We found the following complaints for VOLVO VNL64T (2001)
Read complaints for VOLVO VNL64T (2001)
Vehicle has a problem with oil leaks, even though vehicle is still under warranty the dealer will not take any responsibility, now the head is leaking oil.
Consumer was in his home when the smoke dectector went off, consumer went outside and saw that vehicle was on fire, possibly engine related, fire originated from vehicle and spread through consumer's home, both the vehicle and home were destroyed.
Consumer states a turbo line is leaking.
Dt*: the contact stated while driving 68 mph on a dry 4 lane highway, the driver attempted to change lanes to the left, and there was no reaction from the steering.the steering wheel was able to be turned, but the vehicle did not respond at all.the brakes were applied, however the vehicle collided with another truck, and crossed into a grass median which stopped the vehicle.a police report was taken at the scene.the vehicle was towed to a service dealer, who determined that the tie rod drag links had detached from the ball joint.the bolt remained intact, but the pressure bushing separated.
Consumer states that the stress points on the hood are cracking the fiberglass hood, the hood rubber guards that guide the hood keep breaking.
Consumer states that the stress points on the hood are cracking the fiberglass hood, the hood rubber guards that guide the hood keep breaking.
When purchasing vehicle, it experienced a bad thump in the front end, consumer states this was due to bad steer tires, consumer purchased new tires and had all 3 axles aligned, however tires still wear fast and front end still thumps slightly.
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