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We found the following complaints for TESLA MODEL 3 (2021)

Read complaints for TESLA MODEL 3 (2021)

Seedescription on file report nb:11423241

At around 5:30pm on 5/16/2021 we were entering our garage when our tesla accelerated on its own into our garage extremely quickly and nearly brought the garage down.

The car suddenly powered off while i was driving on a city street. The car remained broken down in the middle of traffic and needed to be towed to the service center. The service report indicates that the drive unit failed.

-body parts on car a lot were off aligned, service dept won't help or answer calls- sentry mode drains battery (sales rep said it doesn't, since the camera storage isn't stored on the car) - rear passanger door panel is not on correct- there was green tape inside the car- the window trim was hanging off.- adam told me that he would be working with the 'remarketing team' to get me a better than normal trade in quote. Said he was working with a special team to get me a quote - and that the team should have offered me a long range vehicle and he apologized- called me with a regular trade in quote. He went to the tesla.com website and submitted a trade in quote and was not working with a 'special remarketing team"- kevin called me and asked for adam and if i had received my trade in quote through the website, figured it out that it was me and not adam, hung up and blocked me.- called and wanted to take my car in for the issues - the advisor wouldn't give me his name and that he felt threatened because i asked for his name. - my wife goes down to tesla costa mesa to speak to kevin wong then speaks to brian and finds out jared is who accused me of threatening him. - julia called me after that interaction, the same day and gave me the 3 options- went back and said 'it was a miscommunication'-car ac stopped working when driving-car wouldn't start-rear small window shattered by itself when driving on freeway, causing us to swerve and almost hitting the side barrier.

After parking and leaving the car, i realize later the dashboard did not shut down. The dashboard was still illuminated, and i was also able to hear the sound from a tuned fm radio. I re-open and closed both the driver and the passenger doors in an attempt to shutoff the dashboard. Since i did not get the expected result, i decided to get back into the car.i sat down in the driver chair to investigate the problem when the car was instantly activated and switched to a sudden and uncontrolled acceleration. It crashed into a facing wall after a run of about 30 feet.

Tesla: 2021 model 3 (standard w/full self-driving capability) vehicle safety issues as of august 09, 2021: 1. Vehicle does not have interior rear manual door release to allow rear seat occupants to escape in case(s) of emergency or vehicle electrical power failure 2. Vehicle does not have an exterior manual release for all doors in order to allow first responders the ability to assist or rescue vehicle occupants and/or driver 3. Vehicle doe not provide regenerative charging of 12v batter used as the only primary source of power to operate all onboard computer and diagnostics, as well as electronics 4. Vehicle does not provide redundancy to operate onboard computer and diagnostics or to maintain the electronics in order to allow vehicle to keep satellite contact or radio beacon 5. Vehicle does not have a mechanical locking system and is unable to be opened in the event of failure of the 12v battery 6. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning7. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 8. Vehicle interior parts and exterior parts are not securely fastened or reasonably installed to a standard that provides protection to occupants in cases of side impact, rear impact, and frontal collisions 9. Vehicle does not adequately provide secure installation or covering of side-curtain airbags, as well as apoorly designed tether that can easily be pulled triggering the airbags gas canister 10. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning11. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 12. Materials used in vehicle are both flammable and gaseous, as well as produce a toxic smell when ignited 13. Vehicle "panoramic" glass roof provides uv protection and actually absorbs heat 14. Vehicle does not feature adequate detection of: moving objects(pedestrians, bicyclist) 15. Vehicle is unable to safely navigate streets or highways with out solid lines or objects to follow

Heat no longer works in the car's climate control. This apparently is tied to faulty humidity and temperature sensors that must work properly for the heating system to work, and tesla service centers are aware of this yet are not proactively replacing them. This is a safety issue in cold climates since the windshield defrost no longer works, and the car is unsafe to drive overall in cold temperatures without functional heat. This issue appears to be restricted to the 2020/2021 model 3/ys with the heat pump that require these sensors to function properly. Another symptom is the climate screen displays an error message of "climate keeper is unavailable due to a system fault."

2021 tesla model 3. Consumer writes in regard to an issue with the right pillar camera. *ldthe consumer stated the camera frequently displayed an "obstructed" error message, but there was no obstruction.

There was engine power loss while i was driving on the highway. So due to power loss i parked the car on the side and then put it back in to drive and it would go for approximately 10min then i lost power again, it started to do like these few times. Since it was unsafe i stopped the car and had the factory tow it to the shop.

Seedescription on file report nb:11423241

When i was driving on highway the suddenly i lost power and if i press gas pedal it would not go. I applied brake to slow down and pull over but as soon as i applied the brake it corrected on its own and continued to go since i did had similar issue like this previously i called tesla and asked them to tow it to the shop. This is the 3nd time that i'm having an issues with drivetrain that my car was towed to shop.

After parking and leaving the car, i realize later the dashboard did not shut down. The dashboard was still illuminated, and i was also able to hear the sound from a tuned fm radio. I re-open and closed both the driver and the passenger doors in an attempt to shutoff the dashboard. Since i did not get the expected result, i decided to get back into the car.i sat down in the driver chair to investigate the problem when the car was instantly activated and switched to a sudden and uncontrolled acceleration. It crashed into a facing wall after a run of about 30 feet.

Automatic cruise control (autopilot) has twice failed to decrease speed when it should have. The vehicle will also brake at a moderate to high rate on the highway with zero warning or message, with no obstacle or vehicle on the road, creating a dangerous situation with following vehicles. Acc also requires the use of automatic wipers and automatic high beams, both of which activate at random times and thus encourage their disuse (e.g. Sunny clear day, or with obvious traffic in front of the vehicle, respectively). Automatic high beams turning on and flashing when they shouldn't is unsafe for other drivers.finally, the use automatic wipers and high beams is not listed as a requirement for active safety features such as fcw and aeb to function. However, these two critical safety systems rely on the same camera array and systems with problematic functionality described above. It's hard to believe that these actual safety systems, listed as a feature of the vehicle, are able to function as required when the full array of sensors and logic, shared with autopilot, are unable to perform reliably.

Tesla: 2021 model 3 (standard w/full self-driving capability) vehicle safety issues as of august 09, 2021: 1. Vehicle does not have interior rear manual door release to allow rear seat occupants to escape in case(s) of emergency or vehicle electrical power failure 2. Vehicle does not have an exterior manual release for all doors in order to allow first responders the ability to assist or rescue vehicle occupants and/or driver 3. Vehicle doe not provide regenerative charging of 12v batter used as the only primary source of power to operate all onboard computer and diagnostics, as well as electronics 4. Vehicle does not provide redundancy to operate onboard computer and diagnostics or to maintain the electronics in order to allow vehicle to keep satellite contact or radio beacon 5. Vehicle does not have a mechanical locking system and is unable to be opened in the event of failure of the 12v battery 6. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning7. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 8. Vehicle interior parts and exterior parts are not securely fastened or reasonably installed to a standard that provides protection to occupants in cases of side impact, rear impact, and frontal collisions 9. Vehicle does not adequately provide secure installation or covering of side-curtain airbags, as well as apoorly designed tether that can easily be pulled triggering the airbags gas canister 10. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning11. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 12. Materials used in vehicle are both flammable and gaseous, as well as produce a toxic smell when ignited 13. Vehicle "panoramic" glass roof provides uv protection and actually absorbs heat 14. Vehicle does not feature adequate detection of: moving objects(pedestrians, bicyclist) 15. Vehicle is unable to safely navigate streets or highways with out solid lines or objects to follow

Automatic cruise control (autopilot) has twice failed to decrease speed when it should have. The vehicle will also brake at a moderate to high rate on the highway with zero warning or message, with no obstacle or vehicle on the road, creating a dangerous situation with following vehicles. Acc also requires the use of automatic wipers and automatic high beams, both of which activate at random times and thus encourage their disuse (e.g. Sunny clear day, or with obvious traffic in front of the vehicle, respectively). Automatic high beams turning on and flashing when they shouldn't is unsafe for other drivers.finally, the use automatic wipers and high beams is not listed as a requirement for active safety features such as fcw and aeb to function. However, these two critical safety systems rely on the same camera array and systems with problematic functionality described above. It's hard to believe that these actual safety systems, listed as a feature of the vehicle, are able to function as required when the full array of sensors and logic, shared with autopilot, are unable to perform reliably.

Automatic cruise control (autopilot) has twice failed to decrease speed when it should have. The vehicle will also brake at a moderate to high rate on the highway with zero warning or message, with no obstacle or vehicle on the road, creating a dangerous situation with following vehicles. Acc also requires the use of automatic wipers and automatic high beams, both of which activate at random times and thus encourage their disuse (e.g. Sunny clear day, or with obvious traffic in front of the vehicle, respectively). Automatic high beams turning on and flashing when they shouldn't is unsafe for other drivers.finally, the use automatic wipers and high beams is not listed as a requirement for active safety features such as fcw and aeb to function. However, these two critical safety systems rely on the same camera array and systems with problematic functionality described above. It's hard to believe that these actual safety systems, listed as a feature of the vehicle, are able to function as required when the full array of sensors and logic, shared with autopilot, are unable to perform reliably.

At around 5:30pm on 5/16/2021 we were entering our garage when our tesla accelerated on its own into our garage extremely quickly and nearly brought the garage down.

The car suddenly powered off while i was driving on a city street. The car remained broken down in the middle of traffic and needed to be towed to the service center. The service report indicates that the drive unit failed.

Tesla model 3, while driving will report a left/right column camera, is obstructed do to condensation on the inside of the camera cover. While driving on this interrupts advanced driver assistance systems such as auto lane change, blind-spot detection, and lane departure warning. This has me concerned about the safety of the adas features as condensation has impeded functionality multiple times while using the feature driving at highway speeds.

Tesla model 3, while driving will report a left/right column camera, is obstructed do to condensation on the inside of the camera cover. While driving on this interrupts advanced driver assistance systems such as auto lane change, blind-spot detection, and lane departure warning. This has me concerned about the safety of the adas features as condensation has impeded functionality multiple times while using the feature driving at highway speeds.

Tesla model 3, while driving will report a left/right column camera, is obstructed do to condensation on the inside of the camera cover. While driving on this interrupts advanced driver assistance systems such as auto lane change, blind-spot detection, and lane departure warning. This has me concerned about the safety of the adas features as condensation has impeded functionality multiple times while using the feature driving at highway speeds.

When driving with the adaptive cruise control on, the car will for no reason, briefly slam on the brakes for no reason.i have almost been rear ended twice because of this.check mark box above in this web page would not allow me to check the adaptive cruise control item.

When i was driving on highway the suddenly i lost power and if i press gas pedal it would not go. I applied brake to slow down and pull over but as soon as i applied the brake it corrected on its own and continued to go since i did had similar issue like this previously i called tesla and asked them to tow it to the shop. This is the 3nd time that i'm having an issues with drivetrain that my car was towed to shop.

When driving with the adaptive cruise control on, the car will for no reason, briefly slam on the brakes for no reason.i have almost been rear ended twice because of this.check mark box above in this web page would not allow me to check the adaptive cruise control item.

I was pulling up next to a curb inside a neighborhood to park my car. I released my foot on the accelerator pedal to slow and stop my car. I slowly stepped on the brake pedal to switch the gear into reverse and my vehicle sped up very fast and hit the parked car in front of me and ran over the curb, my steering wheel also shifted to the right as if it was trying to dodge an obstacle on the road. It happpend so fast that i could not avoid the impact. I could have ran into a pedestrian and put their life at risk, or injured the person in the car that was parked, and even hurt myself badly. I've been getting neck pain and headaches. This incident was very terrifying and traumatizing. I tried to reach out to tesla service center, but my tesla app was not working after the incident. The tesla app was frozen for 10-15 mins after the incident.i kept trying to reach out to tesla service center and kept getting an automated response to utilize the tesla app. Finally, the app started working again, i left them a message regarding the accident and photos, and they responded two days after, but did not address the issue about unintended acceleration until i kept asking why are they ignoring my concerns about the uninteded accerlation, and then i received a phone call from a technician. He said that i do not have to bring my car for inspection, instead they will just check the logs and could take up to 8 weeks to see what happened. Estimated cost for exterior damages according to geico insurance is 5344.74. Tesla service center denied having the car inspected physcially for any sensor issues and malfunction issues, states that i don't have to bring my car in at all, they will submit a report for engineering team to review the driving logs at the time of the accident only. My car is currently towed to a 3rd party body shop that is tesla certified. No warnings from my car screen alerts or anything prior to the accident.

When i test drove the tesla model 3, there was an option to turn regenerative braking to low. This allowed the car to have more of a coasting effect when one lifts the foot off of the accelerator. When i received delivery of the car, the ability to reduce the regenerative braking effect was not available. The removal of this feature is being discussed at length in online forums. The latest version of the owners' manual states that regenerative braking in the standard setting couldcause the care to lose traction in winter conditions and that drivers should select the low setting. By removing this ability, tesla, by its own admission, has decreased the car's safety in winter conditions. A rapid deceleration of a car on slippery roads is almost guaranteed to induce a skid and make the car difficult or impossible to control.i find this extremely concerning. Tesla needs to bring the feature back, or publicize other compensations that may have been made unbeknownst to owners. I took delivery of the car on 12/24/20, but according to online forums this seems to have happened starting in october of 2020.a side complaint would be that tesla does not update the owners manual in a timely manner to coincide with the many software updates. The above example is jjust one of many, since the current manual makes a recommendation that is not possible to do in the 2021 model 3 refresh.

On february 28, 2021 at 4:08 pm.. The approximate time of my arrival at workplacewhich is also displayedin my navigation.as soon as i'm doing a reverse to park my tesla for some reason and it did happen so quickly accidentally press the accelerator harder and as a result i cause an accident that myrear bumper hit the car behind me that was parked. The damaged was huge that it knock off the parked car front bumper, it broke the right headlight and buckled the engine hood. It really boggles me as to how it happened, i re-create the scenario at home it turns out and i truly believed that i got confused with the current driving modeas i switch the car to reverse while i stop to check my proximity, but the display changes to 'hold brake' font.not knowing that it still in reverse mode, although the top left vertically displayed drive mode indicator still showing but it is too small/ minimal that it's hard to distinguish which one is active.for an owner that's new to this electric car it is confusing and specially you have other ice car you currently driving at home.tesla should consider an update to the display on the driving mode indicator.the default as you switch the stalk to d, p, n or r, that large font only display momentarily and it changes to your speed and then changes to ' hold- brake font icon'. Those display font p-d-r- n on the top left corner is too minimal and even lightly obstructed with the steering wheel. Even the font color is hardly distinguishable, the current drive mode is onlyboldin the same color. This is really a safety issue and should be addressed asap.tesla model 3 display should be updated, the drive mode should be visible enough and permanent on the display.look at the model s.. It has a very visible/ easy to distinguish your current driving mode. ( p-d- n-r )[xxx]contact:[xxx]information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(6).

When i test drove the tesla model 3, there was an option to turn regenerative braking to low. This allowed the car to have more of a coasting effect when one lifts the foot off of the accelerator. When i received delivery of the car, the ability to reduce the regenerative braking effect was not available. The removal of this feature is being discussed at length in online forums. The latest version of the owners' manual states that regenerative braking in the standard setting couldcause the care to lose traction in winter conditions and that drivers should select the low setting. By removing this ability, tesla, by its own admission, has decreased the car's safety in winter conditions. A rapid deceleration of a car on slippery roads is almost guaranteed to induce a skid and make the car difficult or impossible to control.i find this extremely concerning. Tesla needs to bring the feature back, or publicize other compensations that may have been made unbeknownst to owners. I took delivery of the car on 12/24/20, but according to online forums this seems to have happened starting in october of 2020.a side complaint would be that tesla does not update the owners manual in a timely manner to coincide with the many software updates. The above example is jjust one of many, since the current manual makes a recommendation that is not possible to do in the 2021 model 3 refresh.

I was pulling up next to a curb inside a neighborhood to park my car. I released my foot on the accelerator pedal to slow and stop my car. I slowly stepped on the brake pedal to switch the gear into reverse and my vehicle sped up very fast and hit the parked car in front of me and ran over the curb, my steering wheel also shifted to the right as if it was trying to dodge an obstacle on the road. It happpend so fast that i could not avoid the impact. I could have ran into a pedestrian and put their life at risk, or injured the person in the car that was parked, and even hurt myself badly. I've been getting neck pain and headaches. This incident was very terrifying and traumatizing. I tried to reach out to tesla service center, but my tesla app was not working after the incident. The tesla app was frozen for 10-15 mins after the incident.i kept trying to reach out to tesla service center and kept getting an automated response to utilize the tesla app. Finally, the app started working again, i left them a message regarding the accident and photos, and they responded two days after, but did not address the issue about unintended acceleration until i kept asking why are they ignoring my concerns about the uninteded accerlation, and then i received a phone call from a technician. He said that i do not have to bring my car for inspection, instead they will just check the logs and could take up to 8 weeks to see what happened. Estimated cost for exterior damages according to geico insurance is 5344.74. Tesla service center denied having the car inspected physcially for any sensor issues and malfunction issues, states that i don't have to bring my car in at all, they will submit a report for engineering team to review the driving logs at the time of the accident only. My car is currently towed to a 3rd party body shop that is tesla certified. No warnings from my car screen alerts or anything prior to the accident.

-body parts on car a lot were off aligned, service dept won't help or answer calls- sentry mode drains battery (sales rep said it doesn't, since the camera storage isn't stored on the car) - rear passanger door panel is not on correct- there was green tape inside the car- the window trim was hanging off.- adam told me that he would be working with the 'remarketing team' to get me a better than normal trade in quote. Said he was working with a special team to get me a quote - and that the team should have offered me a long range vehicle and he apologized- called me with a regular trade in quote. He went to the tesla.com website and submitted a trade in quote and was not working with a 'special remarketing team"- kevin called me and asked for adam and if i had received my trade in quote through the website, figured it out that it was me and not adam, hung up and blocked me.- called and wanted to take my car in for the issues - the advisor wouldn't give me his name and that he felt threatened because i asked for his name. - my wife goes down to tesla costa mesa to speak to kevin wong then speaks to brian and finds out jared is who accused me of threatening him. - julia called me after that interaction, the same day and gave me the 3 options- went back and said 'it was a miscommunication'-car ac stopped working when driving-car wouldn't start-rear small window shattered by itself when driving on freeway, causing us to swerve and almost hitting the side barrier.

Tesla: 2021 model 3 (standard w/full self-driving capability) vehicle safety issues as of august 09, 2021: 1. Vehicle does not have interior rear manual door release to allow rear seat occupants to escape in case(s) of emergency or vehicle electrical power failure 2. Vehicle does not have an exterior manual release for all doors in order to allow first responders the ability to assist or rescue vehicle occupants and/or driver 3. Vehicle doe not provide regenerative charging of 12v batter used as the only primary source of power to operate all onboard computer and diagnostics, as well as electronics 4. Vehicle does not provide redundancy to operate onboard computer and diagnostics or to maintain the electronics in order to allow vehicle to keep satellite contact or radio beacon 5. Vehicle does not have a mechanical locking system and is unable to be opened in the event of failure of the 12v battery 6. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning7. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 8. Vehicle interior parts and exterior parts are not securely fastened or reasonably installed to a standard that provides protection to occupants in cases of side impact, rear impact, and frontal collisions 9. Vehicle does not adequately provide secure installation or covering of side-curtain airbags, as well as apoorly designed tether that can easily be pulled triggering the airbags gas canister 10. Vehicle does not have any audible seatbelt warning11. Vehicle does not shift into park or neutral when drivers door or passenger doors are open 12. Materials used in vehicle are both flammable and gaseous, as well as produce a toxic smell when ignited 13. Vehicle "panoramic" glass roof provides uv protection and actually absorbs heat 14. Vehicle does not feature adequate detection of: moving objects(pedestrians, bicyclist) 15. Vehicle is unable to safely navigate streets or highways with out solid lines or objects to follow

When accessing the on-screen owner's manual, the tesla screen freezes completely and no controls or signals are available. After the screen freezes, the air conditioning starts to blow at a full blast for about 30 seconds.the tesla screen then goes blank for about two minutes, at which time the driver has no access to signals, speedometer, alerts, or any other car information detail. It is not clear if lights or doors are impacted. The car is able to accelerate and brake during this period, but the driver is essentially "driving blind."after approximately two minutes, the screen flashes a tesla logo and reboots.once the screen reboots, the screen - and car operation - appear to operate normally.this has occurred four times over a period of several weeks.this is a safety hazard. In one instance the screen went blank while driving on a highway on-ramp. It was frightening to have all car controls disappear. I appeared to have control of the steering wheel, accelerator and brake, but since there was no instruction or warning, there was no way of knowing if or when the car would simply stop on the highway.since the speedometer, turn signal indicators, and traffic alert features disappeared, the car became hazardous to drive.in at least two of the incidents, there was no place to pull the car over while the car (hopefully) reset.tesla automated software updates have not yet corrected this problem.the tesla "bug report" was used to report the problem after the systems resumed function, but there has been no communication from tesla on the matter.according to tesla forums, other tesla owners have experienced the same problem.

Heat no longer works in the car's climate control. This apparently is tied to faulty humidity and temperature sensors that must work properly for the heating system to work, and tesla service centers are aware of this yet are not proactively replacing them. This is a safety issue in cold climates since the windshield defrost no longer works, and the car is unsafe to drive overall in cold temperatures without functional heat. This issue appears to be restricted to the 2020/2021 model 3/ys with the heat pump that require these sensors to function properly. Another symptom is the climate screen displays an error message of "climate keeper is unavailable due to a system fault."

While i was driving on the state way at about 50 to 55mph, the car suddenly sped up and the abs system kicked on and the brake pedal became tight and when i fully pressed the pedal to stop the car, the car would not move after that and it gave some random error messages. Called 911 since i was blocking the road and the informed tesla. They towed the vehicle to their workshop.the tow truck drive mentioned that the car would not even go in to tow mode.

Water intrusion immediately after touchless carwash . Water leaked from under the glovebox compartment. Driving off the carwash bay, water was heared sloshing then the leak

On february 28, 2021 at 4:08 pm.. The approximate time of my arrival at workplacewhich is also displayedin my navigation.as soon as i'm doing a reverse to park my tesla for some reason and it did happen so quickly accidentally press the accelerator harder and as a result i cause an accident that myrear bumper hit the car behind me that was parked. The damaged was huge that it knock off the parked car front bumper, it broke the right headlight and buckled the engine hood. It really boggles me as to how it happened, i re-create the scenario at home it turns out and i truly believed that i got confused with the current driving modeas i switch the car to reverse while i stop to check my proximity, but the display changes to 'hold brake' font.not knowing that it still in reverse mode, although the top left vertically displayed drive mode indicator still showing but it is too small/ minimal that it's hard to distinguish which one is active.for an owner that's new to this electric car it is confusing and specially you have other ice car you currently driving at home.tesla should consider an update to the display on the driving mode indicator.the default as you switch the stalk to d, p, n or r, that large font only display momentarily and it changes to your speed and then changes to ' hold- brake font icon'. Those display font p-d-r- n on the top left corner is too minimal and even lightly obstructed with the steering wheel. Even the font color is hardly distinguishable, the current drive mode is onlyboldin the same color. This is really a safety issue and should be addressed asap.tesla model 3 display should be updated, the drive mode should be visible enough and permanent on the display.look at the model s.. It has a very visible/ easy to distinguish your current driving mode. ( p-d- n-r )[xxx]contact:[xxx]information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(6).

At around 5:30pm on 5/16/2021 we were entering our garage when our tesla accelerated on its own into our garage extremely quickly and nearly brought the garage down.

The heating system failed in dangerously cold conditions in a remote area on a weekend trip to the adirondacks. I wasn't able to reach roadside assistance through the app, and i end up driving it 7 hours home without any heat.the heat system failure occurred early in the morning when leaving our hotel to drive home. The temperature -18 degrees f.after it had been repaired, the service manager indicated that the problem was caused by several faulty sensors. He indicated it is a common problem, resulting from a bad batch of sensors from a certain manufacturer, and that tesla has since stopped purchasing the sensors from that manufacturer. This implies that tesla knew the sensors in my car were defective. What the hell?! this is dangerous!!! if i was a little old lady, i could have frozen to death! why hasn't tesla issued a safety recall?

On two separate occasions our model 3 experienced uninitiated acceleration. Both times we were able engage the breaks and prevent any issue, but itā€™s disconcerting. We reported to tesla on april 22nd and they said they would get back to us.

After parking and leaving the car, i realize later the dashboard did not shut down. The dashboard was still illuminated, and i was also able to hear the sound from a tuned fm radio. I re-open and closed both the driver and the passenger doors in an attempt to shutoff the dashboard. Since i did not get the expected result, i decided to get back into the car.i sat down in the driver chair to investigate the problem when the car was instantly activated and switched to a sudden and uncontrolled acceleration. It crashed into a facing wall after a run of about 30 feet.

On february 28, 2021 at 4:08 pm.. The approximate time of my arrival at workplacewhich is also displayedin my navigation.as soon as i'm doing a reverse to park my tesla for some reason and it did happen so quickly accidentally press the accelerator harder and as a result i cause an accident that myrear bumper hit the car behind me that was parked. The damaged was huge that it knock off the parked car front bumper, it broke the right headlight and buckled the engine hood. It really boggles me as to how it happened, i re-create the scenario at home it turns out and i truly believed that i got confused with the current driving modeas i switch the car to reverse while i stop to check my proximity, but the display changes to 'hold brake' font.not knowing that it still in reverse mode, although the top left vertically displayed drive mode indicator still showing but it is too small/ minimal that it's hard to distinguish which one is active.for an owner that's new to this electric car it is confusing and specially you have other ice car you currently driving at home.tesla should consider an update to the display on the driving mode indicator.the default as you switch the stalk to d, p, n or r, that large font only display momentarily and it changes to your speed and then changes to ' hold- brake font icon'. Those display font p-d-r- n on the top left corner is too minimal and even lightly obstructed with the steering wheel. Even the font color is hardly distinguishable, the current drive mode is onlyboldin the same color. This is really a safety issue and should be addressed asap.tesla model 3 display should be updated, the drive mode should be visible enough and permanent on the display.look at the model s.. It has a very visible/ easy to distinguish your current driving mode. ( p-d- n-r )[xxx]contact:[xxx]information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(6).

Seedescription on file report nb:11423241

When i test drove the tesla model 3, there was an option to turn regenerative braking to low. This allowed the car to have more of a coasting effect when one lifts the foot off of the accelerator. When i received delivery of the car, the ability to reduce the regenerative braking effect was not available. The removal of this feature is being discussed at length in online forums. The latest version of the owners' manual states that regenerative braking in the standard setting couldcause the care to lose traction in winter conditions and that drivers should select the low setting. By removing this ability, tesla, by its own admission, has decreased the car's safety in winter conditions. A rapid deceleration of a car on slippery roads is almost guaranteed to induce a skid and make the car difficult or impossible to control.i find this extremely concerning. Tesla needs to bring the feature back, or publicize other compensations that may have been made unbeknownst to owners. I took delivery of the car on 12/24/20, but according to online forums this seems to have happened starting in october of 2020.a side complaint would be that tesla does not update the owners manual in a timely manner to coincide with the many software updates. The above example is jjust one of many, since the current manual makes a recommendation that is not possible to do in the 2021 model 3 refresh.

When driving with the adaptive cruise control on, the car will for no reason, briefly slam on the brakes for no reason.i have almost been rear ended twice because of this.check mark box above in this web page would not allow me to check the adaptive cruise control item.

I was pulling up next to a curb inside a neighborhood to park my car. I released my foot on the accelerator pedal to slow and stop my car. I slowly stepped on the brake pedal to switch the gear into reverse and my vehicle sped up very fast and hit the parked car in front of me and ran over the curb, my steering wheel also shifted to the right as if it was trying to dodge an obstacle on the road. It happpend so fast that i could not avoid the impact. I could have ran into a pedestrian and put their life at risk, or injured the person in the car that was parked, and even hurt myself badly. I've been getting neck pain and headaches. This incident was very terrifying and traumatizing. I tried to reach out to tesla service center, but my tesla app was not working after the incident. The tesla app was frozen for 10-15 mins after the incident.i kept trying to reach out to tesla service center and kept getting an automated response to utilize the tesla app. Finally, the app started working again, i left them a message regarding the accident and photos, and they responded two days after, but did not address the issue about unintended acceleration until i kept asking why are they ignoring my concerns about the uninteded accerlation, and then i received a phone call from a technician. He said that i do not have to bring my car for inspection, instead they will just check the logs and could take up to 8 weeks to see what happened. Estimated cost for exterior damages according to geico insurance is 5344.74. Tesla service center denied having the car inspected physcially for any sensor issues and malfunction issues, states that i don't have to bring my car in at all, they will submit a report for engineering team to review the driving logs at the time of the accident only. My car is currently towed to a 3rd party body shop that is tesla certified. No warnings from my car screen alerts or anything prior to the accident.

I previously reported unexpected acceleration on two occasions with this car. This follow up not is to inform nhtsa that tesla has not been willing to provide any information or investigation results more than 8 weeks after my report to them. They told me they couldnā€™t discuss it and i would be contacted within 5 weeks. When i inquire now they just say itā€™s still under investigation.

Heat no longer works in the car's climate control. This apparently is tied to faulty humidity and temperature sensors that must work properly for the heating system to work, and tesla service centers are aware of this yet are not proactively replacing them. This is a safety issue in cold climates since the windshield defrost no longer works, and the car is unsafe to drive overall in cold temperatures without functional heat. This issue appears to be restricted to the 2020/2021 model 3/ys with the heat pump that require these sensors to function properly. Another symptom is the climate screen displays an error message of "climate keeper is unavailable due to a system fault."

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