We found the following complaints for NISSAN PATHFINDER (1990)
Read complaints for NISSAN PATHFINDER (1990)
Owner states that for no reason his vehicle caught on fire while sitting in parking lot .fire department states that it may have started from electrical system.
Timing belt replaced due to loss of power.
Vehicle has no power, hears knoking noise when accelerating, found vehicle jump time, removed and replaced timing belt, fuel pump should still be removed and followed up, problem occured after filling up gas tank.
Vehicle has no power and a "knocking" noise heard when accelerating.
The idle speed of the engine surges.
No summary listed for above vehicle.
Exhaust system failure has occurred three separate occasions.
Multiple studs broken on exhaust manifold multiple times. Right (passenger) side twice. Left side once.
Catalytic converter repaired.
Exhaust manifold leaks are a common problem with the pathfinder with many of the repairs being performed multiple times over the life of the vehicle.my first repair was completed in the fall of 1996 with the manifolds removed, trued to factory specifications, broken manifold studs replaced with the factory recommended parts and reassembled by a local repair shop.the repair cast $800.00 and lasted 6 months.nissan is aware of the problems with these manifolds and in 1997 issued a "silent" recall on their 1996 and 1997 pathfinders but will not help the folks with the older trucks.factory replacements of the manifolds have not eliminated the problem for others and at $800.00 for the repair doing it more than once seems excessive.there are several web sites that have addressed this problem and it seems well documented, we feel that nissan needs to be pushed to do what's right.thank you.
Inquiry whether nissan is obligated to repair or cover the cost of repair for broke exhaust manifold studs which could cause carbon monoxide problems.*ph*la
Replaced leaking exhaust manifold.
Dealer advises warping of exhaust manifold caused exhaust studs to break.also states that this is a common problem with this vehicle.
Engine failure.owner claims there are numerous complaints of vg30 engine failures.
Exhaust manifold warped, causing bolts , that hold the engine,to break.vehicle made a loud noise.also,exhaust vapor got inside ofvehicle.dealer said it was a common problem, and that the bolts were too small to hold the engine.
Exhaust manifold studs have broken on both manifolds at an estimated repair bill of $800.we have no choice to have it repaired as we cannot receive our emmission test approval to get our vehicle registered (1990 pathfinder) there is no warning for this defect and it was not detected last may because it did pass the inspection at that time.the bolts on the valve covers work themselves loose and i am able to move them with my bare fingers. Also, we can not figure out why the high-beam of the left front headlight won't work.
Nissan recognized exhaust manifold design defects leading to manifold warpage and repeated exhaust manifold bolt breakage.eventually causingexhaust gas leaks and noise problems . Nissan recognizes design failure but refuses to fix the problem.i've spent over $1500 repairing exhaust manifolds and broken exhaust manifold bolts.please have nissanrecall the faulty exhaust manifolds and bolts!
There are 2 recurring problems that appear to be patent defects with most early 90's pathfinders. They deserve investigation by dot. First is premature and repeated failure of the automatic transmission, probably (but not certainly) due to inadequate oil cooling. I note that in the your database there are 30+ reports of transmission failures (several of them indicating multiple failures) for model years 1989-1991. There are also a dozen or more reports of exhaust manifold stud failure - most indicating multiple failures - and nissan dealers report that this happens to virtually every early 90's pathfinder. At $300-400 a pop, this is an outrage...and if you have to replace the manifold (which may warp when the stud breaks), it's $1,300 plus!i've spent over $8,000 on repairs for these 2 types of problems, and nissan is unresponsive. I'd love to know what their own records show in terms of # and $ volume of dealer service incidents relating just to these patent defects.
Exhaust manifold studs have broken on both manifolds at an estimated repair bill of $800.we have no choice to have it repaired as we cannot receive our emmission test approval to get our vehicle registered (1990 pathfinder) there is no warning for this defect and it was not detected last may because it did pass the inspection at that time.the bolts on the valve covers work themselves loose and i am able to move them with my bare fingers. Also, we can not figure out why the high-beam of the left front headlight won't work.
Vehicle has no power and a "knocking" noise heard when accelerating.
V6 engine leaks fuel excessively due to fuel injection failing. Injectors leak constantly w/dealer saying fire could occur. Please describe details.
When driving consumer noticed black smoke coming fromengine compartment. Loss of all brakes and clutchwhen the vehicle caught on firein the engine compartment, cause of fire may be linked to the fuel injectorwhich possible had a crack causing a leak which caused the fire.vehicle was a total loss. Please provide any further details.
Front passenger side door cannot be unlocked with key.
Transmission; fail.tt
Purchase car new at 77,000 miles the transmission needs to be replaced .tt
Was driving and truck stalled ( cut off) while the engine was still running,took to mechanic,he said it that the rear thrust washerin automatic transmission failed.
There are 2 recurring problems that appear to be patent defects with most early 90's pathfinders. They deserve investigation by dot. First is premature and repeated failure of the automatic transmission, probably (but not certainly) due to inadequate oil cooling. I note that in the your database there are 30+ reports of transmission failures (several of them indicating multiple failures) for model years 1989-1991. There are also a dozen or more reports of exhaust manifold stud failure - most indicating multiple failures - and nissan dealers report that this happens to virtually every early 90's pathfinder. At $300-400 a pop, this is an outrage...and if you have to replace the manifold (which may warp when the stud breaks), it's $1,300 plus!i've spent over $8,000 on repairs for these 2 types of problems, and nissan is unresponsive. I'd love to know what their own records show in terms of # and $ volume of dealer service incidents relating just to these patent defects.
Transmission failed three times.
Transmission failed.
Tranmission lurched/reved then started slipping and would not go inreverse due to lack of lubricant and size of orface.*skd
Transmission lubrication passage too small, resulting in lack of lubricant/slipping of transmission.*skd
Transmission failure.transmission failed due to failure of internal componenets.there seem to be a large number of complaints around the transmission of the 1990 nissan pathfinders.i have had 2 transmission failures in 10 years of ownership.the primary driver of the vehicle for the first five years was different than the primary driver for the second five years.this seems to be a recurring problem.in addition my dealer informed me that nissan did redesign the transmission because of failure of the transmission.thi is a huge problem.is there a way to begin an investigation into nissan surrounding this vehicle problem.
Metal particals circulating from automatic transmission transfer case cooling lines, causing radiator core/transmission failure.*skd
Problems with transfer case for 4-wheel drive when traveling on beaches near ocean tide pools.*skd
Repeated transmission planetary gear failure.
Transmission broke down on the highway.please give more details.
The drivers seatbelt buckle fails and does not lock. Please explain.tt
The rear seat belt on the driver's side will not stay buckled,problem not corrected by dealer.
Drivers side and both rear seat belts will not restrain passengers, belts are too loose.tt
Brakes locked up causing accident. *dsh
The body of the vehiclefrom the rear seatback is rusting out,no one will help him get it fixed.
Three firestone tires cracked.*skd
Original equipment, general ameri-tech tires, size p23575r15, dot#3hl27w443; rear driver's side tread separated while traveling 65mph. Dealer has been contacted. Consumer has tires. Consumer is requesting to send tires to office of defects.tread kicked up, smashing rear left panel, left tail light and mud flap.
Consumer experiencing ongoing problem with vehicleaccelerating at an high speed while driving. Consumer would have to take vehicle out of gear in order forenginenot to continueaccelerating until the rpm come back down to normal. Vehicle been inspected by dealer, and wasinformed that the problem may be the cruise control module. Cost for repair would go to consumer. Can you help in this matter.
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