We found the following complaints for NISSAN MAXIMA (Unknown)
Read complaints for NISSAN MAXIMA (Unknown)
Passenger airbag deployment was violent, causing massive chest injuries, resulting in fatality. *sd
Deployment of passenger's airbag was violent, causing fatality. (attorney for client)*sd
Wiring harness failed.
Consumer states that there having problems with the wiring harness when driving making it difficult to roll down the power windows. Dealer notified. Nlm
(nissan maxima 2004) headlights were not bright enough and made it difficult to drive. Dealer notified.
Transmission rough in the 40-50 mph range as changing in and out of overdrive.
Oily film developed on the interior of the windows, impairing visibility.
Owner was not informed that vehicle had been involved in a collision prior to purchase.dealer refuses to repair or buy back the vehicle. The rear passenger side wheel base was cracked.
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