We found the following complaints for KIA TELLURIDE (2020)
Read complaints for KIA TELLURIDE (2020)
A car pulled out in front of me on the highway while i was going approximately 60 mph and hit the side of my telluride. It spun me around and i hit the side of a bridge head on. Not one of my airbags deployed i. This crash which is very troubling to me. I am attaching pictures. The tow driver said the airbag sensor was not connected.
Blind spot collision warning system is malfunctions whenever it rains. Vehicle has 3000 miles on it and for the 5th time in 2 months the blind spot system alarm system goes off while driving in the rain. Dealerships refusing to look at the problem unless the engine light is on, which it turns off once the sensors dry offlow beam lights are too bright... Police have stopped me twice thinking they are high beams.. Also oncoming traffic continues to blast there high beams at our vehicle thinking our high beams are on causing a dangerous driving situation.. Local dealerships refuse to fix warranty problems because car was not purchsaed from them
While driving my suv on the highway the day i purchased it on 6/5/20 it disabled 5 times where i was only able to use brakes and pull off side of road. I was 36 weeks pregnant and had my 2 year old in the car. I didnā€™t make it home. There was highway construction locally and no edge to pull off on if needed. We could of been seriously injured or died. It was towed to my local kia dealer where they didnā€™t find anything wrong with it. They replaced the battery. It seemed to be running ok then on 5/5/21 my suv disabled again only being able to use the brakes and pull over while driving it on a hilly, narrow backroad with someone driving behind me with my 10 month old in the car. Every time this has happened the suv loses all power and needs to be placed in park to be restarted. The kia dealer has had my suv for over a week and cannot find anything wrong with it. They reached out to the kia tech line who says theyā€™ve done all the right testing and there is nothing else to do. The kia dealer believes it has an electrical problem that they have not been able to reproduce. There are no warnings before the suv completely disables. This problem could cause serious injury or death. The dealer is telling me my suv is ready to be picked up. I refuse to take my suv back from the dealership. Iā€™ve started iowa lemon law papers 5/6/21 and iā€™m waiting for the kia manufacturer to receive them certified mail.
My 2020 kia telluride has had electrical problems since 3 months after purchasing it in june of 2019. It started out small with my backup camera glitching/not being visible, the interior lights flickering, and my heat not working properly.then, it quickly escalated to multiple emergency lights engaging in my dashboard while driving or stopped.i called the dealership and was told if the codes aren't active they can't service the vehicle, so when it happened again i brought it to them directly. At this time my vehiclewouldn't go in reverse and the steering wheel locked. The diagnostic reportstated the car lost communication with fuel pump control module, instrumentpanel cluster (lpc), control module (ccan),and hvac control module. This happened on two occasions compromising my family's safety.on the 3rd occasion, the following happened: the steering wheel locked, shifter wouldn't work, no lights next to shift, wouldn't go in reverse, no backup camera. On the 4th occasion, the following occurred: warning lights/emergency lights on dash, steering locked, no lights near shifter, steering tight, rpm indicator went to zero, speed went to zero, warning lights switched on an off to different ones.the dealer replaced the floor harness, dash harness, and engine harness. Even after these "fixes" it continued. On the 5th occasion, the emergency lights came on and my vehicle shut off while driving and i lost my brakes! the following occurred before the shut down: forward collision warning light, emergency light, rpm indicator up and down, abs warning light, degree/temp light flickering on and off, plus a few more warning lights.this time my car had to be towed.kia will not take the car back and denied my claim after supplying over 70 pages of documentation.my car has been in the shop for a total of 84 days since october 19, 2020.
After it had rained, the collision warning indicator appeared. It continues to appear every time the vehicle is in use.
The vehical will not accelerate at freeway speeds and the engine rpm increases up to 6000 rpm with no or little acceleration when the gas peddle is depressed..this also occurs at lower speeds, no or little acceleration while the engine rpm increases to 5000 rpm visible on the tachometer and heard from the engine noise.the transmission appearsto be slipping or down shifting to many gears for the amount of fuel demand.the dealership witnessed this problem during a test drive and i showed them a vidio of the speedometer versus the tach reading while this problem was occurring.it has been 3 months and kia still has no fix for this problem.it has nearly caused an accedent on one occation and a near miss headon colission while driving thru oregon and trying to pass in a passing lane, on a vacation drive.this problem has persisted since day one of the vehical purchas and has been in for service of the problem on 3 occasions.kia dealer says kia has no known fix.
Bought the car in february 2020, starting this winter a high pitched whistle noise can be heard from the engine bay during cold start in the morning, especially when it's freezing. Dealership has tried to diagnose the problem twice yet the source of the noise cannot be located. Kia refused to offer more help, simply asking me to wait until it gets worse or something really breaks. This kind of noise could be an indicator of other engine or air intake problem which kia is not capable to diagnose.
The dash showed that my engine was over heating. The temperature gaughe went all the way to hot
High beams will not function. Replaced light bulbs. Did not fix the problm. Replaced relay and fuse. Did not fix the problem. Took to dealer. Service tech appeared to be befuddled. His only suggestion was to replace both headlight assemblies at a cost of over $2000.00 or just wait until kia announced a recall as he could not determine exact cause of problem.
Lighting fails to illuminate to the sides of the vehicle on the ex trim so that there are spots of no lighting. This is extremely dangerous when driving at night and particularly when turning corners.this should be remedied and a recall issued to correct the concern as it is a serious safety hazard.
Night driving is horrible on the ex trim where visibility on either side is dangerous. I almost hit a pedestrian because the visibility is so poor. This needs to be addressed. Please don't wait for someone to be fatally injured. This is unacceptable!
The lights wont dim, the same thing happened about 3 weeks ago drove the vehicle the next night and they worked ok ,drove it last night they would not dim or bright could not tell what they was stuck on, the inside indercator work fine. I think this might b a serious safety issue.thanks
Exterior lighting (headlights) is terrible on my ex model. Standard oe headlights arefar too inadequate for safe driving at night. Side cutoff of the headlights makes reading street signs difficult when there is no supplemental light outside of thecar headlights. These headlights should be led (it?s 2020 for [xxx] sake) and not so concentrated like a spot light.information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(6).
The headlights in the kia telluride are significantly deficient in illuminating the front corners of the vehicle during turns in low or non-lit areas. Driving in my neighborhood and on the roads that get me there feels extremely dangerous while driving at night. Visibility when turning corners is dangerously low. This scares me not only as atelluride owner but as a pedestrian and a parent with two small children. As the telluride's popularity continues to grow so does the safety hazard these poorly designed headlights pose. Corrective action to adequately and safely illuminate the road while making turns is essential and needs to be addressed immediately. Please do the responsible thing and protect families and communities by recalling the telluride and make a simple design change that would not only improve owner satisfaction, but also protect a potentially unseen pedestrian, jogger, bicyclist or pet. A vehicle's safety should be paramount both day and night. If nothing else, please provide the option for telluride owners to widen the headlight beam at our own expense so we can choose to protect ourselves and our neighbors by paying for it out-of-pocket.
The headlights on my ex model are seriously deficient and dangerous, especially during driving in low light area during turns. At my own expense i've purchased led bulbs, which have improved visibility ahead of me. However, the light is blocked by the projector type housing from illuminating the left and right sides of the front of the vehicle. Visibility during turns is non-existent. This needs to be addressed asap.
The headlights at night are poor.they do not illuminate traffic signs such as: speed limit, stop, street/highway info, yield, warning, etc.when you approach a the upside of a hill, visibility is limited to 30-50 feet.side vision when turning is non-existent.this occurs at night when in motion and stopped.
Halogen headlamps on the ex model do a poor job of illuminating the road ahead when in low beam mode. I can hardly see a few feet. I also drive a lexus whose headlamps do a fantastic job of illumination in low beam. I am having to periodically alternate between high beam and low beam modes (to avoid blinding opposite traffic) when driving the telluride on unlit roads or poorly lit roads. Why didn't kia provide led headlights for all trim levels? this is a serious safety issue.
Blind spot collision warning system is malfunctions whenever it rains. Vehicle has 3000 miles on it and for the 5th time in 2 months the blind spot system alarm system goes off while driving in the rain. Dealerships refusing to look at the problem unless the engine light is on, which it turns off once the sensors dry offlow beam lights are too bright... Police have stopped me twice thinking they are high beams.. Also oncoming traffic continues to blast there high beams at our vehicle thinking our high beams are on causing a dangerous driving situation.. Local dealerships refuse to fix warranty problems because car was not purchsaed from them
The halogen projector headlights on my 2020 telluride sx are unsafe at night. They don't have enough light output to properly illuminate the road and it's very uncomfortable for me and my family to drive at night. The light spread is very limited and doesn't seem to go far enough. Several customers on kia forums are having the same issue. Some are having their headlights adjusted with no success and others are changing their oem lamps for aftermarket ones to improve performance even though this is a critical safety feature. Hyundai offers a nicer led headlamp on higher up trim levels but i didn't noticed i had the poor performance ones until i had purchased the vehicle. Remember that costumers don't usually do test drives at night. I shouldn't need to go to aftermarket to install questionable non-oem bulbs to overcome this performance shortfall and potentially create an electrical or fire hazard hopefully hyundai quickly realizes that these lamps are not what's expected on a such a nice vehicle as the telluride and install a nicer, brighter, safer one as standard. Thank you
Headlights on lx trim are extremely dim. Insufficient for night driving, curvy/hilly roads, rainy conditions. Lane markers are nearly impossible to see.
This is a new vehicle, purchased 8/2019. It is my belief that the headlights (both high and low beam), as equipped, are dangerously deficient and do not provide nearly adequate illumination. I am hesitant to drive the vehicle at night. I consider this hazardous and worthy of correction by the manufacturer. Kia telluride ex awd.
Concern regarding the factory installed trailer tow package, specifically the lights controlled by the 4-pin factory supplied connection.the trailer lights do not always work in conjunction with the main brake lights on the telluride - specifically when using 'auto hold'.the discussion is not if 'auto hold' should not be used with a trailer. It's possible to use 'auto hold' when towing, so it will be.the concern is if the trailer, or load, blocks the view of the main brake lights of the vehicle - the trailer will display no brake lights if the driver removes their foot from the brake pedal while stopped and held with 'auto hold'. This creates a potentially, seriously unsafe condition.while in 'auto hold', the main brake lights on the vehicle display the same whether or not the driver's foot is on the brake pedal;however, any lights connected to the 4-pin factory connector for trailer lights only function when the driver has their foot on the brake pedal.any lights connected to the 4-pin factory connector should always function the same as the main brakes lights on the vehicle.first noticed when an auxiliary hitch light was connected to the 4-pin factory connection, and verified later during the first tow with a trailer connected to the 4-pin connector.*dtconsumer stated ah, scc, hda, and fca allsystems included in apply the brakes under certain circumstances.
I love this car. I replaced my 2016 lexus gl 460 with the 2020 telluride ex v6, a low milage previously owned car i found at a dealership because i felt it compared favorably in every way with the lexus, which i had bought new. Unfortunately, like others who have complained about the same lighting issue, i did not do a night time test drive of this car, but when i did finally drive it at night - wow! the headlights on this vehicle are the absolute worst i have ever experienced as a driver. My first experience driving this kia after dark on a city street proved to be dangerous and scary. Lighting was so poor- especially the peripheral lighting and low beam height range - that i could not find my destination because the house numbers on the mailboxes as well as the street sign were not lit well enough to read. But what was worse is that i very nearly hit a pedestrian who was walking on the side of the road. By the way, my vision is 20/20 and night driving has not preiously been a problem. I knew there had to be something wrong with the lighting system so the next day i took the car straight to the dealer who checked the bulbs and their placement; he found no problem.i am a widow so i drive myself everywhere i go, including at night. Bright, safe illumination is a must! i am not driving much at night these days because i feel it is way too risky considering the poor visibility after dark. I can tell you that kia will have a law suit (or multiple suits) on their hands when this poor headlight situation is the cause of a serious accident!
The headlights on the es model are so bad. There is minimal peripheral illumination outside of the lights . The lights are so poor that the driver cannot see the side of the road on unlighted roads or going around a curve.very dangerous. The first set of lights stoped functioning properly.was replaced by dealer with new factory lights that do not illuminate adequately and are a safety hazard for both drivers and pedestrians.
The headlights on this car are dangerous at night on streets with no lighting and especially dangerous when its raining.the lights do no illuminate speed limit signs, stop signs, caution signs, yield signs etc.they do not illuminate overhead interstate signs.i have taken the car to the dealer and they said the lights are working as designed.the insurance institute for highway safety also gives a poor rating to these lights.something needs to be done before someone gets killed.
Halogen bulbs in headlights on s trim are suboptimal for roadway illumination during nighttime driving regardless of terrain, environment, or direcrion. Upgrade to led bulbs should result in improved visibility.
The headlights have blind spots on the sides. When going around curves you loose the side of the road. No visibility at all at night. This is very dangerous. I have talked to companys that installs headlights and other mechanical parts to vehicles and was told that adding fog lights will not help because the headlights are only projecting forward lights. Was told that adding fog lights would only project forward also because of the way they would have to set. This needs to be corrected!!!
The headlights on this car are dangerous at night and are especially dangerous when it's raining. The lights do no illuminate speed limit signs, stop signs, caution signs, yield signs etc... The headlights do not illuminate far enough ahead on the roads. If your going up or down a hill to see a safe driving distance ahead.
The telluride ex has an issue with it's headlights, especially in a dimly lit area. When the headlights are in normal mode (not high beam) on a street that does not have streetlights (no ambient lights) or you are going around a turn, or you are going slightly uphill, there is very little visibility on the road. You can see a distinct cut off of the head light and you cannot see beyond it. This makes it very very difficult to drive in a low light environment. If i am on a highway or a well lit road, there is no issue. My other car 2010 audi a4 does not have this issue and the headlights illuminate the road adequately in any condition
This is an ongoing issue.the headlights on my ex model are seriously deficient and dangerous, especially during driving in low light area during turns.at my own expense i've purchased led bulbs, which have improved visibility ahead of me, including being,now, able to see the sides of the road, however,visibility during turns is non-existent.after 30 + years of driving i have never been so uncomfortable driving at night.
I have a 2020 telluride and the headlights provide so little light that it's dangerous to drive at night. The normal beams are so diffuse they provide insufficient light forward to see the road clearly and provide no light to the sides, so you can't see what you are turning into when you turn. I called kia and two local kia dealers; they are aware of the problem but say they have no way to fix it. Good headlights are fundamental and, really, after 100 years of cars with headlights, you'd think they could get this right. Please force kia to recall the cars and fix the headlights as soon as possible.thank you.sandrathank you.sandra
When driving at night in the ex trim, the halogen lightbulbs are ineffective for lighting the roadway ahead. Outside of city driving where outside lighting is minimal, it is nearly impossible to see a safe distance ahead of the vehicle. In addition, because of the cutoff design of the projector housing, street signs such as stop signs and speed limit signs are barely illuminated at all.
After driving about 10 or 15 minutes both the adaptive cruise control and the forward collision warning system stop operating. Even after you clean off the sensor it does not help. It randomly clears itself, but will also stop again after some time. This happens both on local roads and the highway.
After driving about 10 or 15 minutes both the adaptive cruise control and the forward collision warning system stop operating. Even after you clean off the sensor it does not help. It randomly clears itself, but will also stop again after some time. This happens both on local roads and the highway.
Our windshield cracked and the dealership is refusing to replace it without charging us over $1300
Experiencing vibration/pulsations while driving. Most noticeable starting around 65 mph up to 73 mph but seen to diminish or go away about 75 mph. Vibration can be felt on the gas pedal, seat and floor board. Also, there is an audible hum similar to a out of balance wheel or wheels. Possibly drive shaft, transfer case related, with the awd.
Vibration/humming noise at highway speeds (most noticeable btwn. 65-75 mph).confirmed by 2 different kia dealerships, suspected to be an issue with drive shaft or rear differential.
Vibration being felt in the steering wheel, gas pedal and in seat from the power train from highway speeds raging from 60mph to 80mph with a with a humming noise being heard from the interior at the same speeds. It has been getting progressively worse. We bought the vehicle in june of 2019 and it now has about 13000 miles on.
Passenger side axle deal leaking from transfer case. Leaking from outside seal. Inner seal spring was off and needed to be reinstalled.
My 2020 kia telluride has had electrical problems since 3 months after purchasing it in june of 2019. It started out small with my backup camera glitching/not being visible, the interior lights flickering, and my heat not working properly.then, it quickly escalated to multiple emergency lights engaging in my dashboard while driving or stopped.i called the dealership and was told if the codes aren't active they can't service the vehicle, so when it happened again i brought it to them directly. At this time my vehiclewouldn't go in reverse and the steering wheel locked. The diagnostic reportstated the car lost communication with fuel pump control module, instrumentpanel cluster (lpc), control module (ccan),and hvac control module. This happened on two occasions compromising my family's safety.on the 3rd occasion, the following happened: the steering wheel locked, shifter wouldn't work, no lights next to shift, wouldn't go in reverse, no backup camera. On the 4th occasion, the following occurred: warning lights/emergency lights on dash, steering locked, no lights near shifter, steering tight, rpm indicator went to zero, speed went to zero, warning lights switched on an off to different ones.the dealer replaced the floor harness, dash harness, and engine harness. Even after these "fixes" it continued. On the 5th occasion, the emergency lights came on and my vehicle shut off while driving and i lost my brakes! the following occurred before the shut down: forward collision warning light, emergency light, rpm indicator up and down, abs warning light, degree/temp light flickering on and off, plus a few more warning lights.this time my car had to be towed.kia will not take the car back and denied my claim after supplying over 70 pages of documentation.my car has been in the shop for a total of 84 days since october 19, 2020.
My transmission is randomly and frequently slipping into neutral, mostly at lower speeds while shifting after a turn and increasing speed.the result is that i have no power while navigating in traffic and must shut off the vehicle and restart to regain power to the transmission.almost like a reboot of the system.it is extremely unsafe in traffic and my family no longer wants to ride in car.i have reported the issue to kia back in january and have had it in the shop numerous times with no resolution.kia had me put a data reader in the vehicle to capture the data during the occurances and have no resolution.this is now happening more and more frequently, even when just going straight down the road.i have seen on a telluride social media site that i am not the only one experiencing this issue.kia is not handling this satisfactorally.
The vehical will not accelerate at freeway speeds and the engine rpm increases up to 6000 rpm with no or little acceleration when the gas peddle is depressed..this also occurs at lower speeds, no or little acceleration while the engine rpm increases to 5000 rpm visible on the tachometer and heard from the engine noise.the transmission appearsto be slipping or down shifting to many gears for the amount of fuel demand.the dealership witnessed this problem during a test drive and i showed them a vidio of the speedometer versus the tach reading while this problem was occurring.it has been 3 months and kia still has no fix for this problem.it has nearly caused an accedent on one occation and a near miss headon colission while driving thru oregon and trying to pass in a passing lane, on a vacation drive.this problem has persisted since day one of the vehical purchas and has been in for service of the problem on 3 occasions.kia dealer says kia has no known fix.
Purchased a brand-new 2020 kia telluride lx, all- wheel drive. On the test drive, i could not go above 50mph, due to the traffic in the area. The following day, the had it on an interstate. I noticed between around 63 and 74mph, a hum and vibration. I called the dealer immediately and advised them of the issue. Prior to taking the truck in for the issue, i researched the matter. I learned this is a common problem with the all-wheel drive telluride, no matter the trim level. The hyundai pallisade awd is experiencing the same issue. Both trucks share the same drivetrain. It is believed the vibration us being caused by the rear driveshaft being out of balance from the factory. After dropping my truck at the dealer, they later informed me, upon removing the rear driveshaft, the vibration ceased. The technician still heard noise coming from the transfer case. Upon checking the fluid, they found traces of metal in it. I was told it would take a month to get a new transfer case. Being unacceptable to me, they agreed to just get me a similar telluride. The dealer had two other telluride lx awd and said they'd test them before i came back to try another. I was contacted and told one telluride was fine and the other had the same problem as mine. Upon driving the one they said was good, i found the vibration was twice as bad as mine. I told the dealer this. They were to get another telluride from another dealer. When it arrived, i was told it was fine. When i drove this particular telluride, i first heard the noise i heard in my truck and the second, but no vibration. As i continued to drive, the vibration appeared at the same speeds as the other two. It became worse and then occurred at both a lower and higher speed range. The salesman experienced it as well. Owner didn't believe us, nor the service manager. Please see https://tellurideforum.org/threads/vibration.1108/
Since new, the vehicle has exhibited a vibration starting around 65 mph up to around 75 mph.it is mild in severity but annoying especially when frequently driving at highway speeds.the dealership noted it but has not been able to find a solution.
While on a 1300 mile trip to branson mo, i was entering an interstate on ramp with my vehicle when the transmission slipped.my rpms revved up and no power on drivetrain.i coasted to should of interstate and put it in park, then shifted back to drive and still no go.i shut the vehicle off and turned it back on and it then worked.almost like the computer-controlled awd failed and needed a reboot.this could have caused a serious accident and i am very concerned as this is a new vehicle that had 2200 miles on it when it happened.
Purchased 2020 telluride sx awd on june 8th in louisville. Upon driving it home to cincinnati, i noticed intense vibrations in the rear area when the speed was between 66mph and 72mph. Try one) took it to service in cincinnati and try one was to balance wheels ' did not help.try two) service kept it for a few days and called kia techline. They said to check out other tellurides right off the delivery truck. Found they also had problem. Kia techline closed the case saying it must be normal.try three) took telluride to a different service dealer who also called kia techline and pressed the case that this is a real problem ' owner is not crazy. After 16 days, i am told that i will have to wait until october 8th for a drive shaft to come in. Here is what they found:1) found slight bend in passenger rear axle and replaced it. Did no good.2) drove without rear drive shaft and verified that vibration stopped.3) were told to check transfer case oil for metal filings - found what looked like gold paint flakes. Kia was interested, then not interested. Was this damage from vibration?4) tried to get rear drive shaft balanced and no one around cincinnati could do it.5) kia told service to replace rear drive shaft. It will arrive at or about october 8th6) told me to pick up telluride and wait for part.i purchased this vehicle on june 8th and the problem was there right away. It will be 4 months since purchase before the new drive shaft will be installed. One third of a year wasted in trying to get kia to first believe/admit there was a problem and then trying to find a solution. I am not convinced that the vehicle will ever be what it should have been from the beginning.i must say that this latest service department has worked hard to get this solved. Every step of the way they must do what kia says to do.
Shortly after purchasing this awd vehicle, there is a distinct vibration at highway speeds.the vibration starts at 67 mph and is there until speeds exceed 75 mph, where things start to smooth out once again.there is also an odd noise inside the vehicle while the vehicle is traveling in this speed range.vibration is felt in the steering wheel,gas pedal, and bottom of seats.rear seat occupants also feel this vibration.local dealer has road force balanced the tires, but has made no improvement.there definitely is a serious drivetrain issue causing this vibration.very disappointed with the telluride as a result of this, but honestly, disappointed in the telluride altogether.
While test driving the vehicle we accelerated the vehicle and heard a yell from my children in the back row "the seat is crushing the baby!". Our 5 month baby was strapped in the middle seat center row and the back part of the seats folded forward dislodging the rear facing car seat and tipping it upward a bit. I had to emergency stop the vehicle in mid traffic, unbuckle and crawl in the back seat to push the seat back off of my baby. This is a safety issue for sure. It is possible that the children in the back row pushed the seat retract button while the vehicle was moving or the seat was not locked back in position after third row onboarding due to mechanical failure or human error. Please investigate before children are injured or killed.
I dropped my phone between the seat and the console. I reached between it and got my arm caught. I tried for 15 minutes to get it out with no success. I drove myself and children to the fire station where they had to use a crowbar to push on a bar that was holding my arm. When i got my arm out, it was bloody, cut, and swollen.
Inside brake pad on drivers side rear separated from the metal backing plate.other pad is hardly used and other side is not worn.this caused difficulty stopping and a grinding noise from the left rear of the vehicle.
My 2020 kia telluride has had electrical problems since 3 months after purchasing it in june of 2019. It started out small with my backup camera glitching/not being visible, the interior lights flickering, and my heat not working properly.then, it quickly escalated to multiple emergency lights engaging in my dashboard while driving or stopped.i called the dealership and was told if the codes aren't active they can't service the vehicle, so when it happened again i brought it to them directly. At this time my vehiclewouldn't go in reverse and the steering wheel locked. The diagnostic reportstated the car lost communication with fuel pump control module, instrumentpanel cluster (lpc), control module (ccan),and hvac control module. This happened on two occasions compromising my family's safety.on the 3rd occasion, the following happened: the steering wheel locked, shifter wouldn't work, no lights next to shift, wouldn't go in reverse, no backup camera. On the 4th occasion, the following occurred: warning lights/emergency lights on dash, steering locked, no lights near shifter, steering tight, rpm indicator went to zero, speed went to zero, warning lights switched on an off to different ones.the dealer replaced the floor harness, dash harness, and engine harness. Even after these "fixes" it continued. On the 5th occasion, the emergency lights came on and my vehicle shut off while driving and i lost my brakes! the following occurred before the shut down: forward collision warning light, emergency light, rpm indicator up and down, abs warning light, degree/temp light flickering on and off, plus a few more warning lights.this time my car had to be towed.kia will not take the car back and denied my claim after supplying over 70 pages of documentation.my car has been in the shop for a total of 84 days since october 19, 2020.
I was driving and a rock flew up barley hit my windshield and broke it
Constant wind noise on driver's side, not normal wind sound caused by car.brought in to dealer 3 times, still unresolved. Dealer mechanic test drove vehicle with me inside. Mechanic acknowledged issue exists. This is brand new car.
Brand new 2020 kia telluride purchased on 3/18/19. On 4/6/19 the front passenger door would not openat 1273 miles. Took it to kia dealership garage on 4/8/19 and they could not fix it. I filed a formal complaint with corporate kia on 4/9/19. No one is calling me back. I feel it is unsafe to drive a car with a door that will not open from the inside or outside.
I got into my car after work yesterday and i had a crack in my windshield. The crack was not their that morning when i parked it. What is the deal with all these windshields cracking?
Ac condenser failed at 13,500 miles
If the windows are down at highway speeds (above 50mph,) they cannot roll back up completely. It seems that the pressure of the speed stops them from completely closing. In order to roll them back up i have to slow down to around 35 mph. I've read similar complaints on kia owners forums.
Collision warning system failed.barnett kia st paul mn said two weeks to get an appointment for. Safety issue?
Numerous tiny chips all over windshield. My windshield has the stamp from korea as well. Have also read in forms/online this is a huge problem with this vehicle. I've only had vehicle for little over a month.
One month after purchase, my windshield crack for no apparent reason. I noticed a small linear crack along the center bottom of the windshield after it being parked in my driveway overnight.within hours the crack spread along the entire glass.kia repaired it under the good faith warranty but i had to wait 3-4 weeks for a windshield to come in, having to drive it like that in the meantime.after they removed the windshield and inspected it, they could not find any kind of impact mark. One month after repair, a very small piece of debris hit the windshield while i was driving (aprx 40-45 mph) and caused a small circular chip that could have been cured with resin to prevent it from spreading. However, within 15 minutes the chip continued and spread in 3 linear cracks.by the next day the crack ran across the entire windshield and now the windshield has to be replaced, again.aside from it being annoying and costly to fix, i feel unsafe driving the vehicle feeling like the windshield could completely break on me while i'm driving.
Active safety recalls:' sc194 trailer brake light (nhtsa #20v436)
My windshield was hit by a tiny rock and had a small pit. The next day when i went to my car, there was a crack across 1/2 of my windshield. The spot the rock hit did not even star crack. This is a safety issue for the window to crack that sat.
I was backing out of my driveway on a low volume county road. I was moving backwards and entered the roadway. I was fully across one lane when a vehicle in the opposite lane approached. As i was continuing backwards cutting the wheel to maneuver into the nearside lane, the auto braking engaged and my vehicle was disabled in the roadway for two or three seconds until the approaching vehicle in the opposite farside lane passed my now disabled vehicle in the roadway. I believe this to be a safety concern because there was a vehicle approaching in the nearside lane that i was attempting to enter and now i was disabled in the roadway as that car approached. My issue is that the approaching vehicle in the farside lane had room to maneuver around me, but i was now directly in the line of danger from the vehicle approaching in the nearside lane i was now disabled in. It scared me to be disabled in the road with a vehicle approaching. The brakes remained engaged and i couldn't do anything until my vehicle released the brakes. I was in greater danger from being hit by the car approaching in the nearside lane than i was entering than the vehicle in the opposite farside lane. The computer in my vehicle was wrong in applying the brakes and forced me into a dangerous position. The programming for rear assist braking needs to be evaluated for situations like the one that i was in. This is the third time i have been put in that situation by my vehicle and i think there is a safety problem with the programming for low speed backing conditions.
In the 6 months i have had my telluride, i have had the windshield cracked and was able to get it repaired and recently had a rock or debris from the road hit it and it instantly cracked all the way across the bottom and up in to my line of visibility. I have never had such an issue with windshields before so it's a little odd that within 6 months i have had two issues.
A small rock hit my windshield and cracked it.
Driving down 294 south (a highway), at approximately 60mph, with no other vehicle around our vehicle and not going under an overpass, there was a very loud bang.my 2 kids were in the middle two seats and started screaming and crying because of the loud noise and also because glass was falling on them.the loud bang turned out to be the panoramic moonroof exploding on its own.nothing hit the car or the roof as there were no cars around us.we quickly closed the cover to the moonroof so more glass wouldn't fall on the kids.as you can see in the picture the moonroof exploded outward and not inward as if something hit it.the panoramic moonroof doesn't open.
Very small chip in windshield and within an hour before we could get it filled it ran from one side to the other. This seems to be a problem with all tellurides.
While driving my suv on the highway the day i purchased it on 6/5/20 it disabled 5 times where i was only able to use brakes and pull off side of road. I was 36 weeks pregnant and had my 2 year old in the car. I didnā€™t make it home. There was highway construction locally and no edge to pull off on if needed. We could of been seriously injured or died. It was towed to my local kia dealer where they didnā€™t find anything wrong with it. They replaced the battery. It seemed to be running ok then on 5/5/21 my suv disabled again only being able to use the brakes and pull over while driving it on a hilly, narrow backroad with someone driving behind me with my 10 month old in the car. Every time this has happened the suv loses all power and needs to be placed in park to be restarted. The kia dealer has had my suv for over a week and cannot find anything wrong with it. They reached out to the kia tech line who says theyā€™ve done all the right testing and there is nothing else to do. The kia dealer believes it has an electrical problem that they have not been able to reproduce. There are no warnings before the suv completely disables. This problem could cause serious injury or death. The dealer is telling me my suv is ready to be picked up. I refuse to take my suv back from the dealership. Iā€™ve started iowa lemon law papers 5/6/21 and iā€™m waiting for the kia manufacturer to receive them certified mail.
Our windshield cracked and the dealership is refusing to replace it without charging us over $1300
On the 19th of february, 2020 at approx. 11:00am, i was heading east bound on i-44 near ft leonard wood, mo when my sunroof suddenly exploded. I had my cruise control set at 72mph. There were no other vehicles in my general area. All windows were rolled as well as the sunroof being closed, with the inside sun shade being in the closed position. Inside temp was set at 72 degrees with the fan setting on the third setting. I am unsure of the outside temperature but it was above freezing. My local kia dealer, roper kia of joplin, mo inspected the vehicle thursday morning at 8am, after their inspection they contacted the district service manager who authorized the sunroof to be replaced under goodwill warranty at no cost to myself.
A very small rock hit the edge of my windshield, and it cracked to be over a foot long across the next 5 minutes. The mark from the rock is tiny, and should not have lead to this large of a crack so quickly. I have heard repeatedly that this is common on telluride windshields. It is unacceptable and very unsafe. The day this happened, i had only had the vehicle 5 days.
A rock hit and chipped my windshield while driving on the freeway. Within a couple of hours the chip expanded, this is ridiculous.not safe!
About a week ago, my wife drove out to go shopping but returned within 5 mins due to a low pressure tire warning.the tire was very low and she parked the car in the garage. I removed the jack (which had never been used previously) and started to jack up the front passenger side where the flat was.i was showing the notches for positioning the jack to my wife and showing her how to properly jack up a vehicle.bear in mind, i have rotated my tires and done maintenance and repairs on my cars/suvs, vans for over 30 years. I had the jack straight up in the correct position and on a perfectly flat garage floor and started to jack the car up.by this time the tire had deflated to such an extent that it had about an inch or two from the rim touching the ground.i had just gotten the vehicle up to normal ride height when the jack collapsed suddenly and the car came down.i've never seen anything like it and am just thankful that i wasn't in the process of trying to take the wheel off.i took a picture of the jack and there is a bow to the threaded rod but otherwise you can't see very much from the picture.when you turn the jack, you can easily see a significant wobble in the winding action.i can't image having to try and jack up a vehicle on the side of the road in less than ideal circumstances that i had in my garage.scary to say the least.
This is the third time something has impacted our windshield and caused it to crack. Our windshield has been replaced twice and will need to be replaced again. Both replacements were kia windshields.
Windshield easily cracked and spread fast.
Telluride recently purchased november 2019. Last week my windshield had a tiny chip and within 1 1/2 hours of me coming out of a meeting the tiny chip had expanded across my windshield. Two days ago i was driving and a small pebble (?) hit my windshield and again chipped the opposite side of my windshield. That chip has not spread as badly as the firs. I was glad to see the letter from kia in my mailbox this week. Contacted dealership this morning to schedule appointment for repair. Hopefully replacing windshield will avoid future issues.
I woke up today to an odd shaped circularcrack and subsequent spidering out of the windshield of my telluride. The crack is quite low nearly under the top of the hood and i have no idea how it happened. After reviewing articles i discovered there is a class action lawsuit against kia for defects to the windshield so i thought it best to report it. The crack was not there when i last drove it 3/26.
Cargo door cannot be open from inside vehicle is missing something. Dealer cannot find the part and all telluride are the same. This is a safety and hazard issue
The kiahas a systemthat controlscruise control in a special way.this system allows you to place the car it this mode and what it does beyond cruise controllane change control. Itdetectsthe highway speed limit signsexample:idrivefrom prescott az tophoenix periodically.the speed limit on i -17 is 75 mphfor most the trip heading south oni17 it is 75 mphat sunset point the speed changes from 75 mph to 65 mph. The car changes speed to 65 mph.it changes back to 75 mph laterexciting timespassing throughrock springs. I am doing at 75 mph ( no one is in front of methey are in back and one to the left side. ).the car speed drops to 45 mph.the freeway speed is 75 mph. However, theside road in rock springs is 45 mph.so now i have 4 cars trying to avoid me because i suddenly going 45 mph in a 75 mph zone.approaching anthem - the carsuddenly drops to 35 mph in a 75 mph zone.no one was in front of me.but the speed limit on the side road next to the freeway is 35 mph. No one in front of me.i have cars around me honkingand avoiding me- because i am driving 35 mph in a 75 mph freeway speed zone.this is dangerous.the dealer just says it is an option.
Only had our car10 days. 1st road trip and a rick popped up and hit the windshield. I have owned many cars and not had this happen. Within 10 mins of the sun. It spread across entire windshield. To have paid this much for a brand new car and heard that this has been an issue... It has got to be resolved. Completely so sickening.
Windshield cracked on day 1 before even taking delivery of car.not a safe windshield to drive with.
A/c not blowing cold. Performed system evac and recharged system. Still has issue. Set charge to proper level and spoke with techline. Replaced a/c compressor and charged. 17 days in the shop.
Windshield cracked
The exhaust pipe end by the rear bumper is causing burns on my husband and two out of three of my children. It is not pushed back enough so when the trunk it opened after driving and we go to remove items from car it leaves burns. The design needs to be changed and a recall would be expected as i have found while doing research many telluride owners have this issue and it is not safe.
Ac condenser failed after 13,500 miles
Front collision warning malfunction. When a vehicle to my left and in front of me brakes, my vehicle thinks it's in front of me and automatically brakes with warnings on the windshield display. Very dangerous to the vehicles behind me and unsafe to drive. I have taken the vehicle in for service several times. Twice they recalibrated the sensors and on the last visit, they said they replaced the sensor. It's still happening so i need to take the vehicle in again. I've searched this online in forum and youtube, and it's a common problem. The dealership tells me kia isn't aware of the problem.
I was driving and a rock flew up barley hit my windshield and broke it
The vehical will not accelerate at freeway speeds and the engine rpm increases up to 6000 rpm with no or little acceleration when the gas peddle is depressed..this also occurs at lower speeds, no or little acceleration while the engine rpm increases to 5000 rpm visible on the tachometer and heard from the engine noise.the transmission appearsto be slipping or down shifting to many gears for the amount of fuel demand.the dealership witnessed this problem during a test drive and i showed them a vidio of the speedometer versus the tach reading while this problem was occurring.it has been 3 months and kia still has no fix for this problem.it has nearly caused an accedent on one occation and a near miss headon colission while driving thru oregon and trying to pass in a passing lane, on a vacation drive.this problem has persisted since day one of the vehical purchas and has been in for service of the problem on 3 occasions.kia dealer says kia has no known fix.
When we purchased the vehicle a small pebble hit windshield and had it repaired in 2 days. The next one happened in january, went to get in vehicle and had a crack running across windshield from top of glass by rear view mirror to underneath rear view on drivers side. It is still going across windshield. Cost to repair is around $900.00 plus have to take back to kia dealer and get vehicle calibrated
Cracked windshield. A pebble hit to windshield just below the front facing camera at 75 mph speed. No immediate crack, only chip. Car parked outside at texas heat (+100f) and crack spread almost through windshield within 48 h.
Driving on highway and did not even hear or see anything hit the windshield. If it did it was minor and should not have caused the damage of a crack that spread across the windshield.i have driven a 2018 ford explorer , 2016 gmc yukon, and 2019 gmc acadia when something had hit the windshield that can be seen and heard with barely any damage or damage that is simply filled/sealed.please review to see if other complaints similar to this are in the database for this new entry 2020 kia telluride. I like everything else about this vehicle but this.they also stated it would be 2-8 weeks before a windshield will be available to install from kia.
Three days after we purchased a 2020 telluride i found a cracked in the bottom center of the windshield. I couldn't find any chip that might have started the crack, it just appeared the next morning . The car was parked under the carport so nothing could have fallen on the windshield. Contacted the dealer and they were no help at all, insurance had to pay. Safelite auto glass had to wait eight weeks for kia to ship a new windshield. I asked the installer to look at the crack area and see if he could find a cause that would start this crack. He explained to me that any rock or foreign object strike will leave an indentation with some spider marks, he found none? his prognosis was, it was struck on the bottom edge when assembled and closing the door hard would flex the windshield and that started the crack. It has been one month and i already have another small chip. I have replaced one windshield in forty something years, doesn't very look good for telluride owners, something is wrong?
Windshield randomly cracked while parked.
My windshield has two cracks in that impairs visibility.it was not hit by debris from the road.the both start from the edge of the glass and spread across the windshield.i contacted the local dealership and can have it replaced for 800.00!!!!!!i think this should be a recall due to it being a widespread issue.
Had vehicle less then a month and noticed a crack in the windshield.never heard anything hit the windshield, crack just showed up.
With winter coming on the vehicle is being driven in night time conditions.the factory window tinting interferes with the ability to see down the road effectively as the top part of the window is dark at night..
Vehicle in motion on highway - small pebble hit windshield which chipped then cracked very quickly in a short period of time preventing repair of the chip and requiring windshield replacement.
Chip and crack in windshield. Unsure when it occurred, but i never heard something hit windshield. Most likely it happened while car was parked in parking lot.
Our windshield cracked and the dealership is refusing to replace it without charging us over $1300
7/29/2020 driving on highway, semi drives by and a rock hit my windshield, right in the middle, it did some pretty good damage, i drove straight to my insurance company by the time i had arrived there it was splintering everywhere, my agent came out to look at it and he could not believe the damage to the windshield from the rock., my husband and i have only had the care for 3 months. I have been researching for a new windshield and came across this website so i thought i would reach out to you all since i am still trying to find a replacement windshield.
After owning the vehicle for just two months, while driving on the highway a small particle struck the windshield and made a chip the size of a nickel.a few miles down the highway the same incident happened making a crack that is spidering the size of a half dollar.spoke with the kia dealer to report the issue.they do not have any windshield recalls at this time.
A small rock hit my windshield while driving at 50 mph on the freeway. The windshield easily cracked and chipped. It had to be completely replaced for $1200. I have owned other cars before and never encountered such a fragile windshield.
I purchased the 2020 kia telluride on 04102019. On 050319 a small rock hit my windshield in the middle of the drivers view. I was on an interstate traveling 65 mph. The windshield had a deep chip and it spiderwebbed out. The windshield was replaced. On 09072019 i got into my kia and on the passenger side a large crack is visible from the a pillar about 10 inches long. I never heard or saw anything hot the windshield. I am the only driver. It will have to be replaced again.
Windshield cracked in the bottom passenger side corner after owning the car forabout 4 months and spread over 12 inches by the next day without having any reallocation that something even hit it. The crack doesn't look to have a "rock chip" type of marking.
Tiny chip from pebble in bottom corner is now cracking totally across the windshield in 1 day
I have an issue with the glass quality/design.in the first two weeks (5/13/19) my right passenger window cracked.i did hear a very slight sound (like a water bottle expanding) but didn't see anything.within an hour, the crack occurred.there was a very small 'ding' but continued to break.i repaired it with my insurance.on 7/16 i parked at work as usual.when i returned to my car, my front windshield had a 6-7 inch crack.i could not see an impact site. The crack is up around 10 high and now splitting to the left across.we were able to see what amounts to a 'scratch' to the touch.it is no larger than the tip of a sharp pencil.i understand debris hitting glass may render a crack, but to this degree seems to be a bigger issuei am very concerned about the quality and do not understand why i have had these two issues with very little impact to the glass. In previous cars i have had huge rocks hit and ended up with scratched/dinged glass.without shatters, cracks.i researched many websites and dealers and i am seeing this is a common issue.
I woke up today to an odd shaped circularcrack and subsequent spidering out of the windshield of my telluride. The crack is quite low nearly under the top of the hood and i have no idea how it happened. After reviewing articles i discovered there is a class action lawsuit against kia for defects to the windshield so i thought it best to report it. The crack was not there when i last drove it 3/26.
Vehicles windshield has multiple chips and cracks. Windshield was hit with small rock leaving large bubble and cracks in the glass. A week later a small rock hit my windshield leaking a small chip. A month after that it happened again with even a smaller rock. All damage occurred while driving the vehicle in town going under 50 mph.
Something small flew up and chipped the windshield on the service road going 45 mph. No cracks just a chip
While driving my 2020 telluride i heard an odd sound on the passenger side of the vehicle and noticed a small crack developing on the passenger side of windshield.it started from about midway heading horizontally and then made a curve upward as i drove.the crack is at least 18 inches long.there is no visible damage or markings of anything hitting the windshield nor did i notice anything strike the windshield.the crack originates underneath the molding and appears to be a defect. When the crack started i was traveling on a city street at around 30 miles an hour with no traffic around.
One month after purchase, my windshield crack for no apparent reason. I noticed a small linear crack along the center bottom of the windshield after it being parked in my driveway overnight.within hours the crack spread along the entire glass.kia repaired it under the good faith warranty but i had to wait 3-4 weeks for a windshield to come in, having to drive it like that in the meantime.after they removed the windshield and inspected it, they could not find any kind of impact mark. One month after repair, a very small piece of debris hit the windshield while i was driving (aprx 40-45 mph) and caused a small circular chip that could have been cured with resin to prevent it from spreading. However, within 15 minutes the chip continued and spread in 3 linear cracks.by the next day the crack ran across the entire windshield and now the windshield has to be replaced, again.aside from it being annoying and costly to fix, i feel unsafe driving the vehicle feeling like the windshield could completely break on me while i'm driving.
The headlights on my ex model are seriously deficient and dangerous, especially during driving in low light area during turns. At my own expense i've purchased led bulbs, which have improved visibility ahead of me. However, the light is blocked by the projector type housing from illuminating the left and right sides of the front of the vehicle. Visibility during turns is non-existent. This needs to be addressed asap.
On 3/23/21 i was in motion when i saw a small chip in my windshield after an hour it being stationary it grew to 7". By the end of the day still stationary it was half way across my windshield. I called my nearest dealership and the earliest appt. Was 3/31/21.
Windshield has many chips.it seems that more than other vehicles i have owned.telluride only has about 13,000 miles and i get sparkles on the windshield when driving in the sum from all of the small chips.car only driven on the highway on seldom trips from los alamos to albuquerque. I now see why they do not cover the windshield on warranty or extended warranty which i purchased
After just 6 weeks weeks of owning the car we noticed an 18 inch crack in windscreen, starting from the top and tracking down.no history of rock strikes or trauma to windscreen.
My telluride all of a sudden has chips all over the windshield never notice anything hitting the windshield that will cause all this chips.
My wife was driving and said that all of a sudden a crack appeared that came from the passenger side almost all the way into he field of view. After inspection, i do find a very small (smaller than a pin head) chip. She never recalls hearing something hit the vehicle.
I was driving on the highway and heard a fairly quite noise, looked up and there was a quarter size, bullseye crack in the windshield which quickly grew to a 3 feet and growing crack.
Tiny pebble hit windshield when i was driving 35 mph on on ramp. Cracked the windshield.
Had a plastic wrap barely hit my windshield on highway and it cracked windshield.
Purchased kia telluride awd new in oct. 2020.cracked formed in windshield overnight without driving.after further investigation i noticed over 40 pit spots in the windshield glass.
While driving on the interstate this morning, i heard a small rock hit the windshield.it left a pit that starred out to about the size of a dime, i figured i would call a glass repairshop to repair it in the morning.i parked the car and after sitting for about tow hours the small rock chip turned into a 2 foot crack across the entire windshield.i have a letter from kia which states that they will replace the windshield for free as there is a known issue with the front windsheild.i am hoping that they have better replacements as this shouldn't have cracked so easily or as badly as it did.
We heard a loud noise, like glass breaking as we were driving. The next day we went to our telluride and found the windshield cracked almost halfway across. The crack started in the upper corner, passenger side, and traveled downward toward the center. We bought the car new in december. The car was stationary when the crack traveled but we heard the noise while driving.
I purchased my 2020 kia telluride on 10/16/2019. A couple of weeks letter i was sent a letter from kia 'gifting' a replacement windshield due to some consumers experiencing defective glass that just breaks for no reason.early january 2020, my windshield spontaneously cracked while just sitting in my driveway.kia replaced it.now 14 months later, the replacement windshield did the exact samething!!!the car was just sitting in my driveway.i live in charleston sc and we have not had any extreme temperatures.this is ridiculous and unsafe.
First roadtrip in vehicle noticed a tiny chip in the windshield in the lower left corner while refueling.i do not recall hearing or seeing anything hit the windshield while driving.reached destination and the next morning i walked out to my vehicle to find a crack from the tiny chip location all the way to the middle of the windshield.i am told windshield for this vehicle is on backorder and have been waiting over a month for a replacement.current estimate for replacement is second week in september.
The kia telluride windshields are not up to standards. They crack and chip extremely easily and constantly over the smallest debris or for no reason at all and driving at 40 mph. This needs to be corrected.
I have had the windshield cracked three times since the vehicle was delivered 14 months ago.kia acknowledges the issue but has not provided a true "fix" for the problem and now has indicated they are not responsible for replacements but to contact my insurance carrier.the cracks come immediately following an impact with a rock or debris and spread immediately after impact so the repairs cannot be made.i had my first one replaced using insurance and kia replaced the second one but now refuses responsibility.it is odd they acknowledge the issue initially and say they will provide a remedy one time but do not have any resolution to cure the original problem that the windshields have either a quality or an engineering defect.
With less than 7500 miles on my telluride, i have 3 small chips on my front windshield.last chip was yesterday has developed a small crack
Within 6 days of purchasing my kia telluride, it suffered a significant chip and small cracking on the windshield while driving on the freeway at approximately 65 mph. I did not see any pebbles, rocks or debris in the area, nor did i observe any pebble actually hit the car. I did not observe any cars or trucks ahead of me on the freeway with any open/uncovered loads. In fact, i only observed passenger vehicles. The timing of the chip/crack seemed to coincide going over a small dip on the highway.
While driving on the highway i heardthe sound of small pebble hitting the windshield. (i did not see anything)the closest car was two lanes away and more to the side than in front.i discovered a dime size, star shaped, chip in the windshield.within a few minutes two cracks were branching out from the chip about 1/2" in length.i took the car in the next day to have the chip repaired so it did not spread out further.i have driven many makes and models of vehicles in 35 years and i have never experienced this type of damage even when hit by something that was visibly larger.this is why i felt i needed to voice my complaint.i just purchased this vehicle less than two months ago and this is making me concerned whether it is safe to drive with a windshield this fragile.i feel this will happen again. Before this incident, i loved my vehicle but now i wonder if i should keep it.what other materials are inferior?is it safe?what will happen if i get stuck in a minor hail storm?in my opinion, there is no way this windshield could pass any safety test for strength or impact resistance.i just hope that my complaint along with the others will soon be enough to trigger an investigation and we can get a proper windshield.
Purchased this vehicle and have under 2000 miles, the vehicles windshield has received three chips and seems to be weak (thin) glass. I'm afraid if struck while driving with an object other than a small pebble it'll fail and place my families life in danger. The wiper sprayer on the drivers side window when driving fails to spray over the drivers view. It pools at the lower part of the wiper blade and lower left corner of the window at road and hwy speeds. This causes excess amounts of fluid to be sprayed in order to clean the window. The chips on the window are small and two are in the drivers view. I've had the spray tip replaced at the dealer but it continues the same pattern.
Driving on a public road, rock hit windshield at 15 mph cracked windshield, crack grows 1-2 inches every hour regardless of use
Windshield developed a random crack on the passenger side. This seems to be a known safety issue with this vehicle. Vehicle was hit by a small rock chip while driving on highway.
Vehicle is 3 weeks old and next week we'll be having the 3rd windshield installed. The original and first replacement were damaged by rocks being thrown up by semi trucks while driving on the interstate. Previously owned a kia sorento and had a replacement windshield installed and had 3 rock chips on the replacement when it was traded for the telluride. Seems as if the kia windshields are somehow inferior.
I was driving at maybe 40-45 mph on friday morning and heard a *ping* as a piece of road salt (i assume...we had a lot of snow this week) hit my windshield on the passenger side. I didn't see any damage to the glass at the time nor on my commute back home. When i parked in my driveway, i noticed an 8" crack in the windshield. Super surprising...and aggravating. There must have been a very tiny chip from that morning's "ping" that further cracked...
Windshield crack driving on highway
My wife and i purchased a 2020 kia telluride in november of 2019. A few weeks after we took delivery wereceived the attached letter dated 12-9-2019 from kia stating there may be an issue with the windshieldcracking and that they would replace the windshield if this happened.this did happen and kia replaced the windshield on 03-26-2020 at no charge as they had stated in the letter we received.on the morning of 6-5-2021 i moved the telluride out of the garage to the driveway, when i went to move it backin a couple of hours later the windshield was cracked across the drivers field of vision.we called the dealership (moritz) and made an appointment for 6-22-2021 (we were on vacation from 6-9-2021until 6-19-2021) to have the windshield replaced.after the windshield was replaced we were told it would be $868.31 (invoice attached), the moritz kia service manager (joby spradley) told the service advisor (trai chavez) to inform us that he had checked with a ā€˜kia representativeā€™ and kia would notpay for replacing the cracked windshield even though the windshield cracked while the vehicle was sitting in ourdriveway. The letter we received did not state that kia would only replace the windshield one time.we shouldnā€™t have had to pay a for manufacturing / quality issue.
The windshield cracked very easily from a small object that came up from the roadway, when a large truck passed us. The car had only 1100 miles at the time. The vehicle was in motion, and on the highway.
We purchased the new telluride in december, 2019. The windshield cracked and the crack ran across half of the windshield. Kia did replace the windshield without a charge. This was one in february 2020. Our new windshield now and a big chip in it, about the size of a pencil eraser. There is less than 7000 miles on it. There must be a defect or quality issue in the windshield glass they are using. We are in our late 60's. No off reading or risky driving. We were driving on the interstate when the new chip happened.
I purchased my kia telluride sx in june 2019. I have approximately 12k miles on the vehicle. A few days ago, while driving on the highway with the flow of traffic, i changed lanes with a small car (honda civic or equivalent) about 5 or more car lengths ahead of me. As i completed my lane change, a pebble hit the windshield near the passenger a-frame, about 3/4 of the way up. The pebble must have been small as we were on the main lanes of the highway, and there were no commercial vehicles around. The pebble made a small impact point, and a near-immediate 6-8 inch crack. The outside temperature was approximately 95f to 100f. Over the next 2 hours, the crack grew quickly to around 30 inches across the middle of the windshield, towards the driver side. It has continued to grow a few inches a day, depending on how much the car is being driven and i suspect that hot outdoor air temperatures increase growth. I notified my local kia dealer about the issue and also informed them of the corporate guidance sent out from kia in november 2019 about this issue to provide goodwill replacements to telluride owners. They were aware of the guidance and agreed to replace the windshield at no charge to me.
I was driving my 2020 telluride on a two lane road under 45 mph with no oncoming traffic and one car much further up the road. I did not see anything hit my windshield or coming toward me. I heard a very loud cracking noise and my windshield had a starburst crack on the driver's side near the edge of the windshield. Within 20 minutes the crack had started to spread out several inches on each side with one side cracking all the way to the edge. There was not a chip on the outside of the glass that would have been left if something very hard like a rock had hit the windshield. The only thing i can think of that could have hit the glass was an acorn falling from a tree above the road. An acorn should not crack a windshield! the outside temperature was 38 degrees and i the windshield defroster had been running for about 10 minutes prior to the cracking.
Windshield cracked without any sign of anything hitting it.my wife went into the store and when she returned there was a crack in the windshield starting on the driver side lower left.no recollection of anything hitting the windshield.
Came out of my home this morning (12/9/2020) to find a large crack in my windshield stemming from a small chip. I'm the only driver and encountered nothing on my drive to or from my destination to result in something like this. There is nothing near where my vehicle is parked to result in something like this either. I bought the vehicle at the end of june 2020 and my driving is minimal.
Windshield struck (minor with minimal depth penetration) by material running on interstate. Within 15 minutes, crack began and was over 16". Vehicle parked for 8 days. Windshield has crack over 3' long now. Windshield star should've been quick easy fix instead the windshield is either faulty or installed in bind.
I have had my kia telluride ex 2020 for the past 4 months. On month 3 its windshield cracked while driving on right lower side and cracks started to quickly expand needing to replace the windshield through insurance and paid 500$ deductible. I never anything hitting the windshield at that time. Again just a few days ago in month 4 of ownership windshield glass has chipped from two places. I never saw or heard anything hitting the glass while driving and i am the only driver.
I had just purchased my 2020 kia telluride from the dealership.while driving home i heard a loud sound that startled me and made me jump.i then noticed that my windshield had cracked less than an hour into owning the car.i was driving 30 mph which on a city street.
The windshield is very fragile and chips very easily,a very mild hit by gravel or pebble causes damage to the front windshield.
It seems as if the windshields on the kia telluride are sub par. There is an abundance of cracked windshields with this very new car, more than average. My own windshield obtained a starburst crack right in the line of vision for the driver. Being in alaska, i expect this to quickly spread. We heard a small tap prior to the windshield cracking while we were driving. Maybe something to look into.
My new kia has a completely demolished/cracked windshield with no rock chip, just a spontaneous failure while driving with no traffic nearby
While driving down the highway going maybe 45 mph, something flew up and hit the windshield causing a large chip and spiderweb to form immediately. Whatever hit the windshield was so small i never saw it. This has happened plenty of other times in other vehicles without causing any damage.
Driving down the 35 mph part of hwy 130 yesterday, a lone car passed going the other direction.i heard a small "smack" of a small rock hitting my windshied.i looked at it 3 minutes later, and it was about the size of a dime.i resumed driving and arrived at my destination.came out 1 hour later, and the crack had spread by 4-5 inches.temperature was 65 degrees. This windshield seems extremely fragile.now i've called to get a replacement - they are only available through dealers and cost $750.will the new ones be more durable?
While driving on the freeway a rock hit the windshield.a small chip turned into a crack across the length of the window.
Small rock hit the windshield from a passing car on the highway caused a chip in the windshield, when safelite tried to repair it, it crack. Service tech said that it is highly unusual for this to happen on a small chip like this one.
Windshield chips very easily, one chip from a small rock caused the entire windshield to crack from the drivers side all the way to the passenger end of the windshield within an hour.i've had plenty of rocks hit cars in the past, this rock was not large enough to have caused this kind of damage.
While driving on a freeway at approximately 45 mph the top right side of the front windshield was struck by a small pebble. The windshield showed a dime size crack with several spider cracks no longer than quarter of an inch. After parking the vehicle all night the following day one of the spider cracks had grown to about 3 inches.
10/25/2019-the front windshield was hit by something while traveling on the highway. I inspected the windshield and did not find any evidence of damage. The next morning there was a long crack in my windshield. I contacted kia and was informed that this was not a warranty issue and would not be covered.the windshield was replaced with a kia replacement windshield by safelite. The cost of repair was $1,540.43. A claim was made and paid by my insurance carrier aig. A few months later i received a letter from kia acknowledging that there was an issue and the cost of the repair would be paid for by kia. I contacted aig and let them know, but to my knowledge, aig has not made a request for reimbursement. 8-10-2020my replacement windshield was hit by a small object while traveling at highway speed.the window immediately developed a crack that continued to expand as i drove.the break happened yesterday. I took the vehicle into a kia dealership and have filed a claim. I am waiting for a decision and a replacement windshield.in the meantime the crack is continuing to grow and is now 24' long and growing.it is my understanding that kia is going to pay to replace the windshield, but my service advisor told me that kia would not pay for any additional replacements. Note both incidents happen on the way home from my weekend house on us-59 north.
I had a small rock hit my windshield from road grading.it was a normal chip, not unlike any that i have had on other vehicles.i called to make an appointment the next day to have it filled to prevent spreading.leaving work the next day, the windshield had actually cracked from top to bottom and to the left, in an l shape.so, my chip repair became a full windshield replacement.i have now been waiting 3+ weeks for a replacement as they are not available.my auto glass place has had one on order from overseas since that next day.so, 4-6 weeks to replace a windshield that truly should not have broken as the chip was no different than any other chip we get in vehicles.i actually tried to have the replacement done by my kia dealership.the service department said there were none available in the us and good luck finding one, they were unable to help.when i called today to inquire about having the cameras re calibrated post the replacement, i was told that if a non-kia approved windshield is put in, i would void my warranty.so, beyond waiting weeks on end to have a broken windshield replaced, being told 'good luck' finding one and too bad, they can't help me, i am now being told i "may" have my warranty voided having it replaced elsewhere, even though they refused to assist.
Small pebble hit car windsheild on top left corner.planning on pulling over to access situation. Then notice a crack that would not stop until it reached the review mirror.i called kia corporate to report and they are awarethat the 2020 telluride are having windshield cracking problems but will not repair if caused by pebble. Only if stress crack. I have heard of to many problems with the 2020 telluride windshield and think they need to investigate issue further for safety reasons.
Windshield cracking from a small rock barely hitting it while driving. Seems to be a flaw in the kia product.
Less than two weeks after i purchased my new kia telluride, the windshield sustained a hit from a small rock while i was driving at 70 mph on a local highway on my way to work. The rock hit sound was louder than when this happened in other cars i have driven. It was very loud. I could see the hit right after on my windshield and couldn't believe it. The diameter and depth of the hit were serious. I took the car immediately to a glass repair vendor per geico. I was told by the service manager that the windshield damage was a compound fracture and that i would need an entire new windshield. Then the technician assigned to work with me told me to go with a patch for now because he could replace the windshield and then this might happen all over again in a few more days. So i have been driving around with a patch since it was fixed sweating every day that the windshield is not going to hold up. Not only this, i have questioned whether or not i can even run this car through a carwash. I am afraid of any pressure being put on the damaged spot will make the hairline cracks get larger because the patched area itself is showing small hairline cracks coming out from the sides and appears to be getting worse. I am concerned for my personal safety and those of my passengers if the windshield does not get fixed. All of this said, i am encouraged that kia is going to take care of it because they sent me a letter and told me to take the car to my dealership and that the windshield would be replaced. I have only started this process and hope it goes well. I am sad to buy the first new car i have owned in a long time and have this happen even before i have made the first car payment. Again, i am encouraged that kia is standing behind its brand and proactively offering to help telluride customers with this issue. It is very unfortunate to have to deal with this.
Windshield was damaged beyond repair at only 250 miles. Replacement windshield took 6 weeks. Glass seems to be thin or more prone to damage. Vehicle was traveling at approximately 45 mph on a two-lane road and was hit by some sort of debris from a vehicle going in the opposite direction. Did not see the debris before it struck the window.
Driving on a city street, i noticed a tiny crack coming down from the top of my windshield. By the time i got home (10 minutes), it was spread across the entirety of my windshield. I'be been waiting since june for a replacement windshield.
On july 4 i notice a chip on right of windshield without noticing anything hitting the windshield as i was driving. Three days later it became a crack without touching and in a week the crack reach driver side. Windshield still on backorder. I reported to kia customer service and somebody on nhtsa call me and told me that crack can happen that if i put a new windshield and same thing happens in less than 3 month then they will look into it. This windshields are not cheap and i have never had a windshield braking so fast before in less than 3 month of purchase.
The windshield has cracked on both sides and has extended beyond repair. This appeared to happen during normal driving conditions. The dealer wants to charge us about $800 to repair. This seems like a ongoing problem with others and we want this reported as well.
While driving on the interstate a small rock hit the top of my windshield. The next morning i a cracked that spread across my passenger side. The crack continue to spread over the next days. Now it reaches all the way to the side. I have only had my kia for about a 1 1/2 months. I have had a rock hit my windshield in other vehicles and never had a windshield crack like this. It sucks because i really like the telluride. Hope they make a better windshield soon or a recall.
Front windshield is chipped.happened overnight while vehicle was parked in my driveway.
I recently had taken my first road trip in my new vehicle and was traveling on the highway. A rock hit the windshield and caused a crack to go from one side of the windshield to the other side. I have never seen a windshield crack so easily on a vehicle. I contacted my insurance company. I should not have had to pay $500 to replace a whole windshield when i have not had the car for long at all. I love the vehicle but if this is something i have to look forward to then i'm not sure about that. Kia should look into this issue.
My windshield cracked while i was driving 20 mph going to the grocery store that is located 2 blocks away from my house, it started with a small crack and by the time i was done with the shopping the crack spread to 2'attached please find pictures showing how the windshield looks
Windshield cracking even after repair.
Shortly after purchasing our telluride a small rock was thrown up by a vehicle in front of us on the highway and it chipped our windshield. I have never had a chip in a windshield before.
Windshield cracked from chip that i heard happen on the highway 3/6/2020.this window is an oem replacement window from kia. The first windshield had the exact same thing happen in july 2019 within the first month of purchasing the car.
Rock was slung up and cracked my windshield. I've had the car 6 months
This is my second report. My windshield on my 2020 kia telluride is cracked again. This time it's on the passenger side of the windshield. It's a long crack that starts at the a pillar and travels across the windshield. When i got in my car to go somewhere i saw the crack. I am the only driver. I never saw or heard anything hit the windshield this time. It cost 1500 dollars to repair it last time, which was four months ago.its going to get expensive if this keeps up. I have no idea how this occurred.
I was traveling on a highway and a rock hit my windshield.it left a spot near the rearview mirror, but no cracks.then 2 days later i have a crack going across the middle of the windshield.within another 4 days, the crack is now almost across the entire length of the windshield as well as up to the top of the windshield.i've had other vehicles get dinged with rocks but never had one crack this quickly or continue to spread day after day even when it is just sitting in my carport.
My 2020 kia telluride windshield is cracked. It's on the passenger side of the windshield. It's a long crack that start at the a-pillar and travels across the windshield. When i got in my car to gosomewhere i saw the crack. I never saw or heard anything hit the windshield this time. Also my wife and my sun never saw or heard anything hit the windshield this time.
I've had my 2020 kia telluride less than two weeks, got into the car which was parked in the garage and the windshield was cracked.never heard a rock hitting the windshield at any time (i'm the only driver), the crack started in top corner on passenger side and traveled across the top half of the windshield in about 3 hours.had a 2014 sorento with 12 to 14 rock chips that never spread like this.
As i was driving down the highway today, a small rock came up and hit my windshield.it was very small and should not have damaged my windshield.i ended up with a large crack in my windshield.
Windshield is chipping extremely easy during normal highway driving.within 2 months, three significant chips with one of them cracking.
The windshield has appeared to crack for no reason. We did receive a letter from kia saying they would replace it but they need to actually recall these windshields if they are having such and issue with them. I've only had it for 4 months. Not sure how long it has been like this but we just noticed it this weekend.
The windshield broke and i did not see anything hit it
While driving on the interstate at 60mph a very small pebble hit my windshield on the top rhs and put a dime sized hole in the windshield coming to a point on the inside making a complete opening.it is now starting to crack like a spiderweb.safelite has refused to touch it and the dealership has stated it will take several weeks to get a replacement and the cost is upwards of $750.00+.this is absolutely ridiculous, when you pay this much for a vehicle and you have to return to the dealership to obtain a cheaply made product and pay a not so cheap price for it.this is absolutely highway robbery.the service department recommended i turn this over to my car insurance.after speaking with my insurance provider, i learned my premium will increase due to having to file a claim.so, basically i'm going to have to pay an enormous amount of money for a cheaply made product or pay an enormous amount of money over who knows how long for a cheaply made product.from looking at the growing amount of complaints, there appears to be a legitimate cause for investigation into the product kia is putting into their vehicles and selling to consumers.additionally, should something small come through one of these windshields and injure a person inside of the vehicle or cause an accident, i would presume the affected individual(s) would have a legitimate ground for a potential lawsuit.there are far too many complaints being filed against kia for this same issue and failure to investigate this many complaints by consumers is reckless.
Windshield has cracked in two separate places. Multiple dings and chips from small road debris.
The windshield has crackedbeyond reoair within a few hours. It started with a small chip on drivers side andnwe were planningnto get it fixed next day. A few hiurs later we went to the garage and itnwas a huge crack spread across the windshield. This seems like a ongoing problem with others and we want this reported as well. We were driving about 35 mph on normal road conditions. Seems like something small hit windshield the crack was about a nickel size and then booom!
Notice windshield crack starting from behind mirror all the way approaching drivers view, just saw it, with no warning, no visible chips, had to look real close and feel for a chip, can see where it started and feel it slightly, never heard anything hit the windshield, but it sure did run fast. Didn't happen on the highway, noticed it when i made a stop and got back in the vehicle, i just had it serviced with a oil change, and they did have a card hanging on the mirror with vehicle number that the service department put on there
We bought our 2020 kia telluride 7-3-2019 & on 7-11-2019 our windshield broke from a small rock while driving 35 mph today from a passing car. I have heard of 100s of other customers having the same issue with these inferior windshield windows with poor unsafe production.
I was driving on the highway keeping a safe distance froma dump truck and 18 wheeler truck that were ahead of my vehicle. The dump truck sent a small stone towards my windshield which damaged the windshield on impact. The windshield was inspected by my insurance company which determined the windshield required replacement. This will be third time replacing the windshield in just over a year due to the same type of incident. My families safety was at risk due to the obstruction caused by the windshield cracking due to the impact of the small stone. No warning lamps or messages appeared prior to the incident.
Small pebble hit windshield over 6 months ago and immediately cracked all the way across the windshield. Making it hard to see.didn't have any time to have chip replaced, again crack spread immediately. Driving down a city road at 30 miles per hour.going on line i noticed that kia has had windshield replacement covered but not for my vehicle???? why not??windshield is still inferior to any other windshield i have had in other cars.is this a design flaw that is putting too much stress on the windshield thus causing a slight chip to crack immediately?
Windshield cracked on day 1 before even taking delivery of car.not a safe windshield to drive with.
While driving down the expressway in late february, a small rock hit the drivers side lower windshield. Immediately, i saw a bulls-eye appear followed by a line crack. After driving a mile or so i saw the crack quickly expand. Over the course of a few days it got worse. I filled a claim and got it replaced with an oem windshield.about 2 weeks ago, i took the car to the car wash and now the windshield has fine scratches all over it but not the rest of the car. Something is definitely amiss here.
Windshield cracks easily. 2 weeks after purchase in aug, when ona clean no construction area on i 85, heard a pop and cracked windshield. Not happened in more than 25 years across more than 3 cars we won at one time.
The contact owns a 2020 kia telluride. The contact stated that the front windshield cracked without warning. The vehicle was taken to kia of wilmington (1603 pennsylvania ave, wilmington, de 19806, (302) 656-3100) where it was diagnosed with needing the windshield to be replaced. The vehicle was repaired however, the failure recurred three times. The manufacturer was informed of the failure. The contact was informed that the vin was not under recall. The failure mileage was approximately 30,000.
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