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We found the following complaints for INDIAN SCOUT (2015)

Read complaints for INDIAN SCOUT (2015)

For over a year now my scout will uncontrollably rev in low gears after getting hot. This happens at stops and going into turns most commonly. Multiple times it has almost caused me to wreck and if i were a less experienced rider i would have. I have contacted multiple dealers to attempt an under warranty fix and have been told they have fix and that they arent even aware of the problem.

When coming to a stop , the engine speed or rpm will hang up at around 2500 rpm for several seconds,,,instead of going to idle rpm speed.this causes the operator to have to pull in the clutch and brake more aggresivly than normal...one day this is going to kil someone.normaly a motorcycle engine will go to idle spped when closing the throttle in coming to a stop. My 2015 indian scout will hold the throttle at above idle speed,,,around 2500 rpm , when slowing down to come to a stop. Making it very difficult to stop,,,, unles i pull in the clutch,, which negates the engines above nrmal throttle position.the throttle has no cables,,, this is a "fly by wire " throttle system...something in the software is causing this problem. I am a long time motorcycle owner and operator with 50 { fifty } years of experience and 4 motorcycle in my garage. This neeeds the attention of the manufacture////i indian !!

For over a year now my scout will uncontrollably rev in low gears after getting hot. This happens at stops and going into turns most commonly. Multiple times it has almost caused me to wreck and if i were a less experienced rider i would have. I have contacted multiple dealers to attempt an under warranty fix and have been told they have fix and that they arent even aware of the problem.

When decelerating for normal stops, turns, or slow traffic conditions, the engine will decrease rpms until it reaches about 2300 rpm, then it either hangs at that rpm or surges into an uncontrolled rpm chane of 1700 to 2400.this up aand down rpm change has lasted for 30-45 secondssometimes even longer. The rpm will also remain at high idle apx 1500 before returning to idle of 1100 rpm. This occurs during every ride. Giving the throttle a quick twist will not necessarily decrease speed this condition is very dangerous because it occurs without warning and could result in the rider being forced to take a turn wider than expected (possiblybeing forced into an oncoming traffic lane), rear end collision with a vehicle in front of you, or perhaps losing control and laying motorcycle down in traffic and being struck by another vehicle.this erratic throttle is more noticeablewhile riding on city streets where you are constantly changing engine rpm and shifting into the lower gears. Obviouslythese conditions will not be noticed during highway speed. As to the possible problem, fuel control, computer and sensors. Nevertheless polaris needs to address the issue and fix it. This is a very serious condition for any rider to be faced with. There is no excuss for polaris to ignorthese complaints and act like they have never heard of such a problem. This has been reported on the indian forum by other owners.note: other report is where most of this report is from. It explains the issue extremely well. All owners should be notified about thisunsafe condition and repaired under warrantyi have a video of this occuring

When decelerating for normal stops, turns, or slow traffic conditions, the engine will decrease rpms until it reaches about 2300 rpm, then it either hangs at that rpm or surges to about 2600-2700 rpm and hangs there for up to 30 seconds.if i blip the throttle rapidly 2-3 times (twist it open and let it go repeatedly) the engine speed will "unstick" and the engine will decrease speed is normal.m this condition is very dangerous because it occurs without warning and could result in the rider being forced to take a turn wider than expected (possibilty of being forced into an oncoming traffic lane), rear end collision with a vehicle in front of you, or perhaps losing control and laying e motorcycle down in traffic and being struck by another vehicle.the described condition is intermittent, but seems to occur more frequently in warmer conditions, after riding at highway speed for extended periods then slowing into local neighborhood or side street traffic (elevated engine heat condition), and frequently for me when downshifting from 4th to 3rd gear or 3rd to 2nd gear as the motorcycle passes through the 25-35 mph speed range.this is a throttle by wire fuel control design, and i suspect either a faulty ecu where the problem is heat sensitive, or perhaps faulty o2 sensors which provide improper data to the portion of the ecu that monitors fuel/air mix and adjusts fuel quantity being supplied to the injection system.i have reported the problem on two occasions to my local dealership but they are unable to pinpoint a cause.i know of at least four other riders reporting the same problem on the same make/model/year motorcycle so this is not an isolated occurrence.

When coming to a stop , the engine speed or rpm will hang up at around 2500 rpm for several seconds,,,instead of going to idle rpm speed.this causes the operator to have to pull in the clutch and brake more aggresivly than normal...one day this is going to kil someone.normaly a motorcycle engine will go to idle spped when closing the throttle in coming to a stop. My 2015 indian scout will hold the throttle at above idle speed,,,around 2500 rpm , when slowing down to come to a stop. Making it very difficult to stop,,,, unles i pull in the clutch,, which negates the engines above nrmal throttle position.the throttle has no cables,,, this is a "fly by wire " throttle system...something in the software is causing this problem. I am a long time motorcycle owner and operator with 50 { fifty } years of experience and 4 motorcycle in my garage. This neeeds the attention of the manufacture////i indian !!

I applied the brakes to slow quickly and the rear brake was inoperable.the front brake locked and i skidded into a grassy ditch.the bike laid down on the right side.there was cosmetic damage on the right side of the bike but the rear brake lever moves freely and when activated, the lever sticks without applying the brake.per the dealership, the rod pulled through the washer.the dealership sent the entire system- master cylinder, caliper, lines, and pedal- to the company at their request.the company safety department claimed that since there was damage to the right side of the bike, the pedal was damaged and not faulty.the dealership had performed the recall previously and it had passed to the manufacturer's standards.the dealership had at least one other case with the same issue- the rod pulled through the washer.

Had just made a turn on to sr 26 melrose, fl, toward ocala, fl on march 14, 2015 at 1:00pm. When a vehicle pulled out in front of me. I did an emergency stop but the engine stalled an the rear tire locked. Assuming that if the rear tire locks. It could cause the engine to stall. I feel the rear brakes locked an caused the bike to lose control. I couldn't maintain control. An in the end dumped the bike. I now as a result of the accident. I have 3 broken bones in my left wrist now. Along with the bike in the indian of ocala's service shop. Pending a repair cost of $5000 dollars. Which warranty wouldn't cover. Now seeing this current recall. I feel polaris should replace the parts or the bike.

When coming to a stop , the engine speed or rpm will hang up at around 2500 rpm for several seconds,,,instead of going to idle rpm speed.this causes the operator to have to pull in the clutch and brake more aggresivly than normal...one day this is going to kil someone.normaly a motorcycle engine will go to idle spped when closing the throttle in coming to a stop. My 2015 indian scout will hold the throttle at above idle speed,,,around 2500 rpm , when slowing down to come to a stop. Making it very difficult to stop,,,, unles i pull in the clutch,, which negates the engines above nrmal throttle position.the throttle has no cables,,, this is a "fly by wire " throttle system...something in the software is causing this problem. I am a long time motorcycle owner and operator with 50 { fifty } years of experience and 4 motorcycle in my garage. This neeeds the attention of the manufacture////i indian !!

For over a year now my scout will uncontrollably rev in low gears after getting hot. This happens at stops and going into turns most commonly. Multiple times it has almost caused me to wreck and if i were a less experienced rider i would have. I have contacted multiple dealers to attempt an under warranty fix and have been told they have fix and that they arent even aware of the problem.

Motorcycle experiences repeated throttle surges when attempting to decelerate. Problem worsens with increased ambient temps during summer months. Surges are most evident when attempting to slow to a stop or initiate a turn.

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