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We found the following complaints for INDIAN CHIEF (2000)

Read complaints for INDIAN CHIEF (2000)

The consumer received recall notice #03v039000 subject: voltage regulator.the consumer called kerry ford on 4/28/2003 who stated that the parts had to be ordered.the consumer had not received a call from kerry ford on the date when the recalled parts should have been available.*nlm

Horn doesnt work,charging system doesnt work,windshield comes lose.*la

The motorcycle has multiple problem s. The windshield is loose /the charger will not charge at all/battery has low cell, andbrakes will not hold at all.

The motorcycle has multiple problem s. The windshield is loose /the charger will not charge at all/battery has low cell, andbrakes will not hold at all.

The consumer received a recall regarding the voltage regulator. The consumer stated he received poor customer service.

Horn doesnt work,charging system doesnt work,windshield comes lose.*la

The engine was replaced last year for a leak, the problem recurred.

Motorcyclewas smoking andhead gaskets blewout. Contacted dealer. Please add vin.

When traveling at speeds up to 65mphmotorcycle will suddenly die.consumer feelsthis is very dangerous because driveris not aware thatmotorcyclehas cut off, i feels likejust slammed on brakes. Please provide any further information.

When driving 60 mphrear suspension steel plate broke and snapped in half, which damagedtire.also,fender got so hot that the heat damagedmotorcycleseat.consumer has contacteddealer. Consumer states motor blew both head gaskets and burnt both jugs, consumer checked that there was a fire.

Possible design problem with the engine, which is powder coated, this is causing the cylinders to deform resulting in engine failure. *mjs

At highway speeds motorcycle would stall out and die. Dealer has inspectedmotorcycle. The rear cylinder was defective and caused the engine misfired and stall out several times and the engine was rebuilt. The dealer replaced the ignition module as a possible cause.

The mounting bracket for the foot rest is designed too low, the foot rest attachment is secured by a screw which hangs down lower than the foot rest mounting thus the head of the screw caught a obstacle with such force that the welded tab on the frame broke.nlm

Dot lable inside both rims are causing inner tube failure. Dealer / manufacturer were notified, and unwilling to assist in this matter. Feel free to provide any further information on this problem.

Consumer states that while driving at highway speed the headlights suddenly died.took to dealer and they changed the bulb.dealer stated there is a shortage in the electrical system. Three weeks later lights shorted out again.please provide any further information.mr

Dealer is reluctant to address this issue. The only fix tried was silicone round the the chrome facia.unable to use vehicle at night as headlight may go out within a 100 miles of being replaced.

Consumer states while driving down the highway vehicle headlights suddenly died.took to dealer and dealer stated there was a shortage.mr

The rear tail light fills with water and resulting in failure. *mjs

When the brakes are applied, the turn signals flash three times. While they are flashing, the turn signals can not be turned on which caused me to be struck in the side while making a left turn.

Paint chips located in the fuel tank causing problems with the system. *mjs

Motorcycle rear wheel locked up at 40 mph went into a skid and i was almost hit by the vehicle behind me. Transmission failed. Indian motorcycle replaced trans to correct problem. New trans installed and does not shift properly....front suspension dives when braking and wobbles left to right at 65-70 mph in gradual turns unstable and i have to slow down to regain control of the motorcycle. This problem has been in for repair 5 times and has not been corrected. Vehicle is unsafe to drive.kickstand has been replaced 4 times.kick stand and floorboards are mounted too low on this motorcycle kickstand hits pavement on shallow left turns causing the bike to jump upright and control of the turn is lost. Floorboard is too low on right side of bike causing the same problem as described for kickstand in right turns.i would like these control and transmission designs investigated the geometry of this bike is wrong and indian authorized dealers have not been able to correct these problems.

Motorcycle rear wheel locked up at 40 mph went into a skid almost hit by vehicle behind me transmission replaced to correct problem. New trans installed and does not shift properly indian motorcycle companyreplaced trans under warranty with a different type of transmission -------- front suspension dives when braking has been repaired 5 times.still has this problem even worse is that the front end wobbles left to right at 65-70mph in gradual turns unstable have to slow down to regain control of motorcycle.

The motorcycle has multiple problem s. The windshield is loose /the charger will not charge at all/battery has low cell, andbrakes will not hold at all.

Consumer states that t brakes have extended stopping distance. Dealer notified.

Brake line wasrouted under frame , brake stuck .whenputtingbrakes on it will stay on.also, front padseparated whenconsumer tried to put brakes on.dealershipwas out of business.

Brake line wasrouted under frame , brake stuck .whenputtingbrakes on it will stay on.also, front padseparated whenconsumer tried to put brakes on.dealershipwas out of business.

This motorcyce is advertised to have a seat height of 24.5"it has adjustable shock absorbers and the ride height can be varied a few inches higher.the problem is that when you are riding the bike and turn right the lean of the motorcycle will cause the operators right hand side floorboard rear support braket to scrape the ground.this is the location of the foot pedal control for the rear brake.i have had several close calls where the braket would catch on an rregularity in the pavement causing the bike to jump and almost throwing me off.i complained about it at the first and second service of the bike and the dealer simply set the ride height to a higher position, the bracket still.i have heard that one rider was thrown from his motorcycle at 65 mph because of this and he won a lawsuit against the manufacturer.the 1999 model had 1100produced and the first half of the 2000 model year about 1250 have the same defect.the engineering for the floorboard bracket is a bad design.the manufacturer has produced three floorboard relocation kits to correct the problem and my dealer has indicated it will cost me over $500 in parts to correct.i feel that i should not have to pay to have themanufacturer correct something that they engineered improperly.these were $25,000 motorcycles and the advertising claims the best engineering.they have already designed kits to fix the problem which proves they are aware that it is a safety defect that needs correction. Please stop the rip-off and keep us on two wheels safe also.p.s. This site needs to be upgraded to serve motorcyclist better, it appears that you have forgotten how many people utilize two wheel transportation in the questionaire.i would also like to file a major problem with thse stinking miminvans with the taillights mounted up high.i can only imagine how many deaths they have caused, it is a simple optical illusion when dirivng at night they look further away because the lights are too high.

The consumer is concern he receive a recall noticed for the handle bar.may 31 2001.the dealership has no parts available.indian motorcycle200 east tenth street gilroy ca 95020 #for judy woods 408 846 7228 company 408 846 7228.mr

Consumerhad foundhandle bar loose.when trying to drive itwas impossible due to no control onsteering. Then, took vehicle to dealerwhere they said that problemwas with tripple bar that needed to be replaced. The dealer replaced the triple bar with aluminium bar instead of the one that factory had installed.

Consumer was unable to get the recall performed regarding the wheel and handle bar.

Parts are not available for recall 02v144000 repairs to be done.please provide any further information.

Parts to recall 01v144000 is available , butmanufacturer has not sent them to the dealership yet.

After the vehicle was purchased the consumer discovered that the clearance of the mototcycle was not as represented in the written warranty and specifications, the motorcycle is 4 an 11/16 inches instead of the 6 inches,the dealer has attempted to adjust the mototcycle to meet specifications, without success(attorney for client).nlm

Going around a left hand corner at 50 mph the left floor board scraped on ground consistantly loose control sending bike to the ground.

Ground clearance is not sufficient which could cause a collision to occur when going over bumps in pavement and also when going around curves. Manual claims that clearance is 6 inches, however consumer states there is only 4 3/4 inches which causes a safety issue.

Back fender has cracked and consumer can hear a rattling noise while riding. Cause unknown. Dealer notified.

The shocks have failed five times, 1 leaked, 3 broke at the weld connecting the eye bolt, 1 bolt broke off releasing the shock, shock failure at speeds over 35 mph causes instability.nlm

The motorcycle "wobbles" so bad it goes out of control.

Motorcycle rear wheel locked up at 40 mph went into a skid almost hit by vehicle behind me transmission replaced to correct problem. New trans installed and does not shift properly indian motorcycle companyreplaced trans under warranty with a different type of transmission -------- front suspension dives when braking has been repaired 5 times.still has this problem even worse is that the front end wobbles left to right at 65-70mph in gradual turns unstable have to slow down to regain control of motorcycle.

Indian is aware of these problems but fails to react to them. No safety defect listed.

Front end wobbles to the point of loss of control.fast speed, or curves make it worse.

Consumer received recall 02v124000 for shock absorbers.when he took it in on or about july 2, 2002,was told by mechanic that they did not have the part to repairrecall.then left, and returned again for the second time on or about aug 16, 02, and was also told that they did not have the part to repair the recall. Also,was told by mechanic that he did not know whenwould be receiving the part. Dealer,indian motor of portland on 13844 s.e mcloughlin blvd. Milwaukee, or97222(503) 654 1017.

Consumer first contacted dealer in may of 2002, concerning recall o2v124000. Manufacturer has not sentparts to dealer. Consumer has called indian co. Numerous times, will not return his calls.

Motorcycle rear wheel locked up at 40 mph went into a skid and i was almost hit by the vehicle behind me. Transmission failed. Indian motorcycle replaced trans to correct problem. New trans installed and does not shift properly....front suspension dives when braking and wobbles left to right at 65-70 mph in gradual turns unstable and i have to slow down to regain control of the motorcycle. This problem has been in for repair 5 times and has not been corrected. Vehicle is unsafe to drive.kickstand has been replaced 4 times.kick stand and floorboards are mounted too low on this motorcycle kickstand hits pavement on shallow left turns causing the bike to jump upright and control of the turn is lost. Floorboard is too low on right side of bike causing the same problem as described for kickstand in right turns.i would like these control and transmission designs investigated the geometry of this bike is wrong and indian authorized dealers have not been able to correct these problems.

The swing arm shock mount broke at 65mph and i nearly went down.

When driving 60 mphrear suspension steel plate broke and snapped in half, which damagedtire.also,fender got so hot that the heat damagedmotorcycleseat.consumer has contacteddealer. Consumer states motor blew both head gaskets and burnt both jugs, consumer checked that there was a fire.

Motorcycle experiencing problem with severe vibration when traveling at highway speed of 65 or more mph.motorcycle has been in dealer shop on several occasions, and problem still occurring.the motorcycle developed a severe head shake causing ininjuries to the driver.

This motorcyce is advertised to have a seat height of 24.5"it has adjustable shock absorbers and the ride height can be varied a few inches higher.the problem is that when you are riding the bike and turn right the lean of the motorcycle will cause the operators right hand side floorboard rear support braket to scrape the ground.this is the location of the foot pedal control for the rear brake.i have had several close calls where the braket would catch on an rregularity in the pavement causing the bike to jump and almost throwing me off.i complained about it at the first and second service of the bike and the dealer simply set the ride height to a higher position, the bracket still.i have heard that one rider was thrown from his motorcycle at 65 mph because of this and he won a lawsuit against the manufacturer.the 1999 model had 1100produced and the first half of the 2000 model year about 1250 have the same defect.the engineering for the floorboard bracket is a bad design.the manufacturer has produced three floorboard relocation kits to correct the problem and my dealer has indicated it will cost me over $500 in parts to correct.i feel that i should not have to pay to have themanufacturer correct something that they engineered improperly.these were $25,000 motorcycles and the advertising claims the best engineering.they have already designed kits to fix the problem which proves they are aware that it is a safety defect that needs correction. Please stop the rip-off and keep us on two wheels safe also.p.s. This site needs to be upgraded to serve motorcyclist better, it appears that you have forgotten how many people utilize two wheel transportation in the questionaire.i would also like to file a major problem with thse stinking miminvans with the taillights mounted up high.i can only imagine how many deaths they have caused, it is a simple optical illusion when dirivng at night they look further away because the lights are too high.

Waiting 4 months for dealers of indian to "get parts from indian" - still have not received notice.. Notified indian personel in gilroy, no call back yet. Ts

Motorcycle seems unstable accelerating to change lanes and in sweeping turns at higher speeds.

Horn doesnt work,charging system doesnt work,windshield comes lose.*la

The motorcycle has multiple problem s. The windshield is loose /the charger will not charge at all/battery has low cell, andbrakes will not hold at all.

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