We found the following complaints for FREIGHTLINER MT-45 (2000)
Read complaints for FREIGHTLINER MT-45 (2000)
Dt:2000 freightliner mt45.the contact stated the fuel pump failed on february 25, 2003.the vehicle lost power from 75-35 mph.on a seven mile drive the vehicle varied with frequent speed variations, every 10- 15 seconds, the entire seven miles.the vehicle was taken to the dealership; they checked the engine for stalling intermittently.the dealership found 299 counts of fault code 364.they replaced the fuel pump.this corrected the problem, but the dealership did not warranty theproblem
Dt:2000 freightliner mt45.the contact stated the fuel injection pump failed.this happenedon august 31, 2005.the vehicle has not been to taken to the dealership.the contact installed a lift pump and a lift pump indicator failure light.he noticed sudden and unannounced engine failure while driving on main street traffic.the contact immediately pulled over with a dead engine.the vehicle was then towed to the consumer's residence.the contact contacted freightliner, and they told him there was no warranty coverage.also contacted cummins, and they stated there was no warranty coverage .
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