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We found the following complaints for DAEWOO LEGANZA (2000)

Read complaints for DAEWOO LEGANZA (2000)

No summary listed for above vehicle.

Brakes locked on vehicle prior to impact with another vehicle >40 mph and neither front airbag deployed during or after impact. Vehicle was totalled by insurance company due to unavailability of replacement parts. Damage estimate >$5000.

Consumer received recall 02v131000 concerning air bag failure. Dealer was not inoperation.

Front crash at 40 mph, neither airbag deployed. No injuries, damage to vehicle unknown at this time.

Consumer receivedrecall02v131000 concernin air bag failure. Dealer was not in operation.

While traveling 30-35mphhad rearended another vehcle.front end had smashed inward.air bags failed to deploy.driver was injured. Had hit head onsunvisor. Had emergency treatment and was released.vehicle was towed, and considered totaled.

Nhtsa recall 02v131001 on the fmvss 201/air bag deployment.consumer is unable to locate an authorized dealer to honor the recall.

Alarm lights are not visible in daylight driving. They are visible at night, in the garage or to some extent with overcast sky.

Intermittently while driving vehicle suddenly surged forward and experiencedelectrical system failure. This caused the dashboard components tomalfunction, and gave incorrect reading. This was followed by the vehicle running rough , loss of power, and stalling.consumerwas unable to restart the vehicle when this occurred. Dealershipreplaced map andoxygen sensor, fuel injection, ground wires and thebattery. The failure recurred.

I have constant problems with the brakes, they wear out quickly.recently had alternator replaced in aug. 2003 and now the sensor valve caught fire and burned up the wire harness, valves, valve cover, timing belt, serpentine belt.$1400 of work to be done and no guarantee that extended warranty will cover. Whenever i did take it to the dealer for a complaint, they would always say they couldn't find a problem.

We where sold a car and later found out that it had been recalled and now we don't know who to get a hold of to have it fixed because there is no longer a daewoo manufacturer or dealership and the car lot we bought it from will not fix it or take it back

Consumer states that she has had a lot of problems with her vehicle.she says she can be driving down the road and the vehicle will just cut off.she use to take it to the dealer where she purchased the vehicle, but the last time she took it there, she was told that they were bankrupt and out of business.she states this was about 2-3 yrs ago.she also says that she can be driving down the road and the vehicle will begin to hesitate and jump and bump down the road.she said she was taking the vehicle to another mechanic, who does not know what the problem is and do not know how to repair it.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.no parts were available.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received a recall(04v39000) for the cam shaft(cmp)sensordealer was not in operation.

Check engine light is on, and the vehicle smokes.there is no one to make the repairs.cam shaft sensor recall 04v357000.

Dealership was unable to performcam shaft positionsensor recall 04v357000 repairs because the parts were notavailable.

On september 15, the consumer was available to get in contact with daewoo phonenumber described on the nhtsa recall# 04v357000. 877-362-1234.the consumer left a voice mail and was answer by daewood employees several hours later, indicating to her where to take the leganza vehicle. The two nearest dealerships close to her address are between 140to 175 miles from home. Please provide further information.consumer was told the cam shaft sensor had to be replaced. She also complained that the safety switch under the brake pedal was out and there was an oil leak in front of the motor on the passenger side. Last but not least, in order to start the vehicle, the consumerhad to put the ignition key in the shift lock slot.put the vehicle in neutral, then insert the key in the ignition and change the gear.*ph

The check enginelight is on.no dealers in the area to makerepairs.cam shaft sensor recall 04v357000 dealer repaired two vehicles at no cost for other consumers.the consumer was told he would have to pay.. Consumer was charged $77.61 while two other consumers were not charged for the same problem.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the camshaft position sensor. The company was out business. No dealership available.

Consumerhas to pay out of pocket expenses forcam shaft sensor recall 04v357000.

The gas tank was leaking, the vehicle smelled of gas and the engine light is on. Camshaft sensor 04v357000.the engine light and oil lights illuminated intermittently.the fan motor on the air conditioning system failed.the consumer has not been able to find anyone to repair the vehicle.she has also had a hard time finding the recalled part for the vehicle.

Consumer received a recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaftsensor failure.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer can not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter to daewoo customer serviceto do recall repairs.

Consumer received arecall notice04v357000 concerning cam shift position senor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer is unable tofind a daewoo repair shop nor contact the number provided on the daewoo recall letter for customer service.

While driving vehicle stalled.the check engine light appeared on and remained on.consumer was able to drive vehicle to the dealer for inspection, and mechanic claimed that this vehicle v was not included in the recall due to vin.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft. Consumer received this recall notice, and check engine light illuminated while driving.but dealer stated that consumer's vehicle was not covered under recall due to vin.

While driving, the engine caught on fire.there were no dealers in the area to make the repair.nhtsa recall04v3570000.

While driving 55 mph engine light illuminated. Then vehicle stalled. Consumer pulled over, and had the vehicle towed.dealership was notified, but did not resolve the problem.

The cam position sensor switchfailed. As a result,vehicle was unable to pass the state inspection. A recall was issued. However, this vehicle was not included in the recall due to vin.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 subject: camshaft position sensor. The consumer was unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

The consumer was unable to find a dealership or contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service. Recall#04v357000 camshaft position sensor. Please provide more information.

Check engine light is on, a smell of smoke is present. Camsahft sensor. Recall#04v357000

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000o concerning cam shaft sensor failure. Dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer cannot find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service.

Consumer received a recall noticed(04v39000) for cam shaft position(cmp) sensor.dealer wa not in operation.

Dealership charged the consumer to perfrom the camshaft position sensor recall 04v357000.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer cannot find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service.

Consumer received recall notice 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer can not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service.

Dealership refused to honorcam shaft position sensor recall 04v35700. They indicated that they didn' work on this make vehicles anymore.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerningcam shaft sensor.consumer had to have the engine replaced,and had been unable to make contact with the manufacturer.*tc

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000for the camshaft position sensor.the consumer contacted the dealer and the dealer did not have the parts available.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the cam shaft position sensor. The company was out business. No dealership available.

Nhtsa recall campaign04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor. Dealer refused to honor the recall because the sensors lot number was not part of the recall.however, the vin number was part of the recall.*sc

The consumer received a recall notice (04v357000) for the cam shaft position sensor.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the camhaft position sensor.the company was out business. No dealership available.

Consumer received a recall(04v357000) for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft position sensor. Company was out business. No dealership was available in connecticut.

Consumer complaint concerning reimbursement for parts. The consumer had the camshaft repairs made prior to receiving the recall notice.the consumer contacted daewoo and left several messages but no one has returned his call.the consumer is requesting reimbursement for repairs made prior to recall notification.

The consumer was unable to have the cam shaft position(cmp) sensor recall 04v357000 perform, because all the dealership in the state were either out of business or were not servicing the vehicles.

Consumer received reca 04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor. Consumer was unable tofind a daewoo repair shop nor contact the number provided on the daewoo recall letter for customer service. *tc

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer could not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter to daewoo customer serviceto do recall repairs.

The consumer is unable to find a dealership to have the camshaft position(cmp) sensor recall 04v357000 performed. Also, the vehicle overheated and stalled while driving, unable to finds parts to repair.

Consumer received a recall notice(04v357000) for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

The check engine light is on.camshaft sensor.recall #04v357000

Consumer received recall 0v4357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

04v357000/camshaft position sensor. The owner received a recall notice from the manufacturer and took the vehicle to an available daewoo dealership who denied the consumer because the vehicle was not purchased from that dealership.provide further details.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer cannot find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service.

1.) transmission will not shift for 10-15 min. Resulting in high rpm during that time frame.2.) exhaust fumes are entering car interior and vehicle windows must be rolled down in order to provide non-lethal oxygen supply for occupants3.) abs system works intermitentlly accompanied by excessive brake wear.

Consumer received recall notice 04v357000 concernin cam shift position senor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor consumer received this recall notice and was unable tolocatean authorized service center in atlanta, georgia.

The consumer received a recall notice(0v4357000) regarding the camshaft position sensor. There wasdealer available to perform the recall.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the camshaft position sensor. No dealership available. Please provide further information.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer can not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo customer service.

2000 daewoo leganza check engine light illuminated. Engine made noise and died. When the check engine light illuminated the consumer took the vehicle to the dealer.each time the vehicle was taken to the dealer different parts were replaced but the light would return.the vehicle was returned to the dealer several time for about a year and a half but the problem always returned.the consumer has had a difficult time getting the recalled camshaft position sensor replaced.the dealer had no parts available to replace the part. The gear shifter became stuck in park.the dealer replaced the brake switch. The vehicle caught on fire under the manifold.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer refused to honor recall because the sensor didnot fall within the perimeter of the sensor lot numbers.

Unable to locate a dealership to peform the camshaft position(cmp) sensor 04v357000 recall.

The check engine light is on.there are no dealers to make the repair.camshaft sensorrecall# 04v357000.

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft position sensor.no dealership was available. The phone provided in the letter always was busy.

Consumer backed out of the driveway and smelled something burning. Vehicle would not restart, andwas towed to the dealer, who discovered that the cam shaft sensor burned out, burning the gaskets/timing chain,and wiring harness.

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft position sensor. Consumer called the dealership where she bought the vehicle, and the answer was sorry with do not deal any more with daewoo.

The check engine light comes on intermittently.cam shaft sensorthere are no dealers in the area.

When the dealership was contacted to make an appointment to have the cam shaft position(cmp) sensor recall 04v357000 performed, they indicated thatdidn't know anything about the recall and refused to do it.

Consumer receivedrecall 0v4357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft position sensor.dealership indicated to the consumer they didn't have the partsavailable to perform the recall repairs.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft sensor. Dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received a recall notice(04v3570000) cam shaft position (cmp) sensor.dealer was not in operation

The consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor.out of pocket expense for consumer. *sc

The check engine light appeared on the dashboard and the consumer receive nhtsa recall 04v357000 on the cam shaft position sensor. The consumer tried numerous times to get in contact with the manufacturer but no one answered the phone.consumer can not locate a dealership that can honor the recall. Please provide further details.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft sensor.dealer was not in operation.

The consumer received nhtsa's recall # 04v357000.the consumer then called the manufacturer and was told that the vehicle identification number did not fall into this recall. She requested the part and insisted that she would pay to have it installed but daewoo would not comply. Recall campaign; the engine light came on in the vehicle.the consumer was told that the cam sensor was defective.the consumer received the recall days later.the consumer was told to pay for the part .*tc

Consumer receivedrecall 04v35700 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer couldnot find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter to daewoo customer serviceto do recall repairs.

Consumer received a recall notice(04v35700) for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

The check engine light illuminated.sometimes there was a smell of smoke.*sc

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer took the vehicle to a daewoo dealership. Consumer was told that although the vin fell within the range the parts used to repair the defect had part numbers that did not include thisvehicle, anddealership was not allowed to repair this vehicle, as per daewoo.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 forcam shaft position sensor.no contact could be made with a dealer.payment had to be made by the consumer to an independent mechanic.

- the contact tookthe 2000 daewoo leganza to the dealershipto havenhtsarecall 04v35700 campaign id number: 04v357000 repairs on engine and engine cooling:cam shaft position sensor done. The dealer stated that they would charge him $135 for inspecting the vehicle if the vehicle did not fall withinthe set of lot numbers,between 1000 lot number or 2321 lot number, which would cover the total cost of the repair.the contact was concerned because he thought that under the recall they were obligated to inspect the vehicle for free.the current mileage was 50000.there has been no failure to date.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the camshaft position sensor. The company was out business. No dealership available.*sc

There were no dealers available to repair the camshaft sensor.recall# 04v357000.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor, inspection only, could not duplicate at this time. The check engine light was on for a long time.the vehicle stalled on the highway.the fuel pump was replaced.the speedometer had dropped down to 0 then corrected itself.there was a slight smell of burning, the temperature gauge was toward the hot indicator.the problem was unable to be duplicated. *sc

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 subject: camshaft position sensor. The consumer is unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the remedy.the consumer tried to get in contact with the manufacturer but no one is answering the phone.please provide further details.

The cam shaft position sensor malfunction in my 2000 daewoo leganza.my car is part of the recall (i checked vin on daewoo website)but i did not receive a recall notification letter.i do not know where to go to for parts and repairs.all attempts at making contact with daewoo have gone unanswered.i need help locating a repair shop to make necessary corrections to my vehicle.

The consumer received nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding thecam shaft position sensor. The company was out business. No dealerships were available.consumer stated that the crankshaft sensor was bad.the vehicle was repaired at theconsumers expense.*tc

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer refused to honor recall because the sensor number did not fall within the perimeter of the sensor's lot numbers.

After replacing camshaft sensor, i keep receiving engine sign with error code: fuel injector fired wrong or something. I took my car in service in end of 2003 they replaced a fuel injector that was giving error by purchasing from gm. Then again in mid 2004, they replaced two fuel injectors. After 6 months got same error and service replaced all 4 fuel injectors in mid 2005. Engine sign went away for 3-4 months and started coming back whole car shakes, i can't accelerate properly. Now, i again took to mechanic and they replaced ignition wire and fuel injectors again. I have paid almost $3000.00 for same problem. It keeps happening, i keep getting engine sign and car shakes. Can you please investigate in this issue. I have daewoo, leganza with 76,000 miles, year: 2000.

Consumer received a recall notice(04v357000) for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

While driving ehicle stalled.consumer was unable to restart vehicle, and had ittowed to the dealer for inspection.mechanic claimed that the problem cauld not be duplicated.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer charged consumer for the repairs.the check engine light had come on and remained on even after the switch was reset. *sc

Consumer receivedrecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor . Dealer was not in operation.

The check engine light came on.the driver's side mirror does not work, and the window is broken.also, the cam shaft sensor nhtsa recall 04v357000.*scthe consumer no longer owns the vehicle.

Dealer has no parts to repair cam shaftposition sensor recall 04v357000.the sales dealer in florida tentatively agreed to honorthe recall in the near future.the consumer has tried to have the recall in north carolina but none of the dealer's have the part needed.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer could not find a dealership nor contact the number for daewoo consumer service center provided on the recall letter.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer was unable to get this recallhonored because the sensor lot number did not match.

The consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 on the camshaft position sensor.however,the consumer was unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 for the cam shaft position sensor, repairs to be made by the consumer. *tc

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer unable to get the dealer to honor this recall. Dealer informed the consumer that the sensor did not fall within the perimeter of the sensor lot numbers. Nothing on the recall notice reflected this information.recall campaign;the consumer stated that the check engine light came on and stayed on.*tc

Consumer stated dealer waswaiting for parts forrecall04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft position sensor. Dealership indicated to the consumerthere wasno part available to performrecall repairs.

I received a letter from daewoo motor america detailing corrective action on the cam shaft position sensor in my leganza. I provided them with the required letter affirming that i am the owner of the vehicle, a copy of the receipt showing that the replacement had already been done prior to the letter , and the address to which my refund should be sent. That was last november 2004. I have yet to see my refund, and it is march 23.2005. Who do i contact to follow this through? there is no number in the letter for follow-up procedures. I believe they've had plenty of time to respond.

The recall repairs failed to resolve the problems with the consumer's 2000 daewoo leganza. After the recall repairs were done the check engine light continued to illuminate.

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding crank shaft position sensor. No dealershipwas available in the area of massachusetts.

04 v 357 000/camshaft position sensor/mil: the vehicle's check engine light illuminated which was followed by a burning smell.the dealer was notified.the dealer ran a diagnostic check and determined that the cmp had to be replaced.the vehicle's repairs were not cover under the recall due to in.

A recall(04v357000) has been issued for the cam shaft position sensor. The consumer was unable to find an authorized dealer or get in contact with the manufacturer to repair the vehicle. Consumer states she attempted to call daewoo everyday since september 13,2003.please provide additional information.still unable to contact for information reguarding authorized service center.*tc

Consumer receivedrecall 0v435700 concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Camshaft position sensor. Consumer was told by the dealer that they were unable to get parts to service the vehicle. They have tried to contact the manufacturer, however, no one was answering the phones, andthere was no projected date as to when they may be available.

Consumer received recall 04v3570000concerning cam shaft sensor failure.the consumer was told the part the that was needed to fix the problem was not covered under the recall, although the recall letter stated it would be covered.

Consumer received a recall notice(04v357000) for the cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.the consumer made an appointment over the phone to have the vehicle serviced.upon arrival, the consumer was told that the vin of the vehicle did not fall within those selected and was refused service.*sc

The check engine light is on.camshaft sensor 04v357000.

The consumer received, nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the camshaft position sensor. No dealership available in the area of nebraska.

The vehicle's engine light came on and was taken in for repair.the camshaft senor was replaced.the consumer incurred expenses for replacement of component prior to receiving notification of daewoo's safety recall (nhtsa campaign no. 04v-357).the consumer mailed the appropriate documentation to the manufacturer for reimbursement and scheduled an appointment with an authorized dealer to have corrective action for recall performed.camshaft04v357000. *sc

Campaign #04v357000, consumer also states that the shift lever button has broken off, which makes the brakes malfunction. Please provide any further information. However, the consumer has two of the daewoo vehicles. [xxx], [xxx].information redacted pursuant to the freedom of information act (foia), 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(6).

After mailing the receipts to the manufacturer some six weeks ago consumer had not been reimbursed for the cam shaft sensor. Nhtsa recall 04v357000.*tc

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer was unable to find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter for daewoo service center.

Consumerreceived recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.no parts were available.

Consumer receivedrecall 0v457000concerning cam shaft position sensor.dealer was not in operation.

Intermittently, the check engine light appeared on the dashboard.the consumer receive nhtsa recall 04v357000 on the camshaft position sensor.however, the consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

Consumer had to pay out of pocket expenses forcam shaft sensor.nhtsa recall04v357000.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer received this recall notice andwas unable to locate an authorized service center in their areas.

Consumer received recall 04v3570000 concerning cam shaftsensor failure.dealerwas not in operation.

Recall campaign 04v357000 concerning camshaft position sensor. Consumer states dealer charged for recall repairs.the consumer requested reimbursement.*sc

The engine light came on.camshaft sensor 04v357000.*tc

Engine was replaced.the check engine light was on.there were no dealers in the area to repair the camshaft sensor recall 04v357000.*tc

Consumer received recall (04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. No parts wereavailable. Service manager mike.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer could not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter to daewoo customer serviceto do recall repairs. Brakes squeeling on vehicle.recall done on 09/27/2004 as well as the air bag recall.*tc

Consumer had to pay out of pocket forcam shaft sensor recall 04v357000.

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding crank shaft position sensor. No dealershipwas availablein the radius of 100 miles.

The consumer received nhtsa recall campaign letter #04v357000 regarding the crankshaft position sensor. Company is out business. No dealership available.

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer was unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer is unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer is unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall. *tc

Consumer received nhtsarecall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.however, consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

Check engine light appeared on the dashboard and remained on. Consumer received recallnotice concerning cam shaft sensor. However, consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area that could honor the recall.

Consumer received nhtsa recall 04v357000 regardingcram shaft positionsensor. Company was out business. No dealership wasavailable,the phoneprovided in the letter was not working.

Consumer received nhtsa 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Dealer refused to honor the recall.mechanic informed the consumer that the cam shaft position sensor was not defective.

A recall (04v357000) has been issued for the cam shaft position sensor. The consumer is unable to find authorized dealer to repair the vehicle. Please provide additional information.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning camshaft position.consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

Recall 04v357000 was issued for the cam shaft position sensor.consumer stated the dealer refused to do recall repairsbecause the part serial number was not included.check engine light was on for several months.the consumer was refused service because the serial number was not correct.*tc

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding crank shaft position sensor. Company was out business. No dealership available, the phone provided in the letter was not working.

Consumer receive nhtsa recall 04v357000concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Check engine light illuminated, while driving and consumer received this recall notice. But was unable to locate a dealer who would honor this recall notice. Also, unable to get through the toll free number to speak to a daewoo customer representative.

Recall 04v357000 was issued for the cam shaft position, dealer refused to do the repairs because the manufacturer was out of business.

Check engine light appeared on the dashboard. Consumer received recall on the cam shaft position sensor, but was unable to locate a dealership in the area.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning camshaft position sensor. Consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area that could honor the recall.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor.consumer is unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor. No parts were available.

Recall 04v357000 has was for the cam shaft position sensor. Dealer refused to repair the vehicle under the recall.

Consumer received, nhtsa recall 04v357000 regarding the crank shaft positionsensor. Company was out business. No dealership was available.the phone provided in the letter was not working.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerningcam shaft position sensor.consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area to honor the recall.

A recall (04v357000) was issued for the cam shaft position sensor. The consumer is unable to find a authorized dealer. As a result the vehicle will not pass the state inspection. Please provide additional information.

Nhtsa recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft positionsensor. Consumer was unable to locate a dealer to honor the recall.

Recall 04v357000 was issued for the cam shaft position sensor.the consumer was unable to find an authorized dealer to repair the vehicle.the camshaft position sensor had a malfunction, which would cause the camshaft position sensor to crack and the wiring to melt resulting in a burning smell and visible smoke. *sc

Nhtsa recall04v357000 on the cam shaft position sensor.dealer refused to honor the recall. Mechanic informed the consumer that the cam shaft position sensor was not defective.

A recall 04v357000 was issued for the cam shaft position sensor. Dealer refused to repair the vehicle due to vin.

Check engine light appeared on the dashboard. Consumer received a recall concerning camshaftsensor. However,consumer was unable to locate a dealer in the area.

Recall campaign - concerns with camshaft sensor recall for 2000 daewoo leganza.*mrwhne the consumer received the recall notice he toold his vehicle to the dealer to be inspected.while the technician inspected the vehicle he indicated that not parts were available.he went on the tell the consumer that his part was not part of the recall and that everything was ok although the check engine light was on.a few months later the vehicle failed inspection becasue the check engine light ws on.a diagnostic test indicated that there was a problem with the camshaft sensor.the dealer indicated they would replace the part at the consumer expense.

Certified ltr fwd safety recall notice fm daewoo motor north america, inc. To owners of lanos, nubira, & leganza motor vehicles re defective camshaft position (cmp) sensor. The consumer replaced the camshaft sensor on his vehicle prior to receiving the recall notification.the part was replaced on 11/15/02 and the recall letter was received on 09/01/2004.the consumer has attempted to contact daewoo customer service but has not been successful.the consumer request reimbursement for the sensor he already replaced.

The engine head gasket blew out while driving for the second time after the dealership repaired it.the vehicle had to be towed once, but the problem had not been resolved. The consumer wanted to add as of 1/31/05 the dealership is still unable to resolve the failure.this was a continual problem. *sc

The consumer had the cmp sensor replaced prior to recall notification.the consumer request reimbursement.

2000 daewoo leganza camshaft position sensor caused the engine warning light to come on and the vehicle to cut off.*mrthe vehicle also caught on fire.the consumer called the number listed on the recall but there was no answer.

The contact owns a 2000 daewoo leganza.the contact stated that the check engine warning indicator illuminated on the instrument panel.the dealer stated that the fuel cap was not securely fastened and caused the failure.however, the check engine indicator continued to illuminate.she then had the vehicle repaired according to nhtsa campaign id numbers 04v357000 and 04v394000 (engine and engine cooling), but the check engine warning indicator continued to illuminate.a diagnostic was performed, which produced error code po342 that pertained to the camshaft sensor.the manufacturer stated that her warranty would not cover the repairs; therefore, she would be responsible for the repairs because the vehicle was previously repaired under recall.the dealer stated that the parts neededfor the repair would approximately cost more than $200.no additional repairs have been made.in addition, the contact heard a rattling noise coming from the engine compartment.she was concerned that the engine mount may have been defective.the dealer could not duplicate the failures.the failure mileage was 5,000 and current mileage was 56,000.

I have constant problems with the brakes, they wear out quickly.recently had alternator replaced in aug. 2003 and now the sensor valve caught fire and burned up the wire harness, valves, valve cover, timing belt, serpentine belt.$1400 of work to be done and no guarantee that extended warranty will cover. Whenever i did take it to the dealer for a complaint, they would always say they couldn't find a problem.

The consumer was having problems with the vehicles engine.theowner was told by the mechanic that the timing belt was defective causing problems with the tensioner and the bearings went bad causing the valves and pistons to break. Vehicle has only 60,000 mi . Please provide any additional information.

The engine valve malfunctioned. The consumer stated the part had been repaired and three months later the part failed again. Pease provide additional information.

Car cuts off when you stop.

While driving vehicle will stall/cut off without warning.contacted dealer, and had vehicle repaired, but problemreoccurs. Please add vin.

While driving vehicle stalled. Took vehicle to dealer, and dealer indicatedengine had blewen out.

Vehicle will shutoff without warning, has happened numeroustimes.

While trying to find a dealership to perform cam shaft position (cmp) sensor recall 04v357000the engine went out and the timing belt broke while driving on the parkway.

Timing belt failure while driving.causing approximately $1500 damage to engine(valves).timing belt replaced at regular interval as recommend by daewoo.failure occured at 84,000 miles.

Intermittently while driving vehicle suddenly surged forward and experiencedelectrical system failure. This caused the dashboard components tomalfunction, and gave incorrect reading. This was followed by the vehicle running rough , loss of power, and stalling.consumerwas unable to restart the vehicle when this occurred. Dealershipreplaced map andoxygen sensor, fuel injection, ground wires and thebattery. The failure recurred.

There is a strong odor of fuel entering the cab ofvehicle.consumer has to drive withwindows down just so they won't get sick. Contacted dealer, anddealer has hadvehicle for 4 weeks, but the problem still occurs.

Inside ofvehicle has cigarette stains and smell. Daewoo put fungucide inair conditioning filter to mastercirgarette and burning smell. Manufacturer stated it is normal for the make/ model and year.

The gas tank was leaking, the vehicle smelled of gas and the engine light is on. Camshaft sensor 04v357000.the engine light and oil lights illuminated intermittently.the fan motor on the air conditioning system failed.the consumer has not been able to find anyone to repair the vehicle.she has also had a hard time finding the recalled part for the vehicle.

It is a known fact that the daewoo leganza's brake switch fails.the switch heats up thus causing it to fail.big issue is brake lights fail also car will not shift out of park without ingaging the unlock swith (must insert key) on the shift column.extremely dangerous, major possibilities of being rear-ended.

The gas tank was leaking, the vehicle smelled of gas and the engine light is on. Camshaft sensor 04v357000.the engine light and oil lights illuminated intermittently.the fan motor on the air conditioning system failed.the consumer has not been able to find anyone to repair the vehicle.she has also had a hard time finding the recalled part for the vehicle.

Daewoo motor america inc. 1055 w. Victoria st., compton ca, 90220-8070.877-362-1234. Consumer states on january 11th, received a recall letter for front brake hose replacement 02 v 257 000. The vehicle has been making a weird noise,and dealer still can't provide parts.mechanic statedif hose ruptures, it could result in lossof brake fluid and no brakes.please provide any further information. Ts

When first starting vehicle and putting it in drive consumer finds it very difficult to shift into drive, it sticks.

1.) transmission will not shift for 10-15 min. Resulting in high rpm during that time frame.2.) exhaust fumes are entering car interior and vehicle windows must be rolled down in order to provide non-lethal oxygen supply for occupants3.) abs system works intermitentlly accompanied by excessive brake wear.

The transmission of my 2000 daewoo leganza ignited and caused the car to burn to the ground and almost killed myself and my 4 other family members almost 2 months ago and daewoo has yet to respond to my faxes, phone calls etc... I want resolution to this matter.*la

Transmission gears do not change occasionally, preventing the vehicle from moving. Owner will contact manufacturer to seek repair.

On september 15, the consumer was available to get in contact with daewoo phonenumber described on the nhtsa recall# 04v357000. 877-362-1234.the consumer left a voice mail and was answer by daewood employees several hours later, indicating to her where to take the leganza vehicle. The two nearest dealerships close to her address are between 140to 175 miles from home. Please provide further information.consumer was told the cam shaft sensor had to be replaced. She also complained that the safety switch under the brake pedal was out and there was an oil leak in front of the motor on the passenger side. Last but not least, in order to start the vehicle, the consumerhad to put the ignition key in the shift lock slot.put the vehicle in neutral, then insert the key in the ignition and change the gear.*ph

Shifter has broken, consumer has to stick a foreign object in shifter to shift.

Seat belts lock up while retracting and will not retract back when pulling accross to lock in. Emergency locking retractor engages,not allowingconsumer to have any movement inseat.delear used armoral onseat belt webbing. In owners manual it's not rcommendedbecause it could fail.

Recall 04v357000 concerning cam shaft position sensor. Consumer could not find a dealership nor contact the number provided on the recall letter to daewoo customer serviceto do recall repairs. Brakes squeeling on vehicle.recall done on 09/27/2004 as well as the air bag recall.*tc

The brake solenoid light does not work.consumer states when applying the brakes the rearlight does not illuminate.consumer is concerned of being rear ended.please provide any further information. Ts

2000 daewoo leganza check engine light illuminated. Engine made noise and died. When the check engine light illuminated the consumer took the vehicle to the dealer.each time the vehicle was taken to the dealer different parts were replaced but the light would return.the vehicle was returned to the dealer several time for about a year and a half but the problem always returned.the consumer has had a difficult time getting the recalled camshaft position sensor replaced.the dealer had no parts available to replace the part. The gear shifter became stuck in park.the dealer replaced the brake switch. The vehicle caught on fire under the manifold.

I have constant problems with the brakes, they wear out quickly.recently had alternator replaced in aug. 2003 and now the sensor valve caught fire and burned up the wire harness, valves, valve cover, timing belt, serpentine belt.$1400 of work to be done and no guarantee that extended warranty will cover. Whenever i did take it to the dealer for a complaint, they would always say they couldn't find a problem.

When applyingabs brakes a squeaking noise occurs and at times, pedal nearly goes tofloor. Also, dealer notices an excessive dust build up which could be the cause of the problem.please give any further details.

Intermittently whenbrakes are applied pedal goes tofloorboard, resulting in extended stopping distance.also, dealer has replaced front brake pads twice, andrear brake pads once . Please provide additional information.*aik

Brakes locked on vehicle prior to impact with another vehicle >40 mph and neither front airbag deployed during or after impact. Vehicle was totalled by insurance company due to unavailability of replacement parts. Damage estimate >$5000.

1.) transmission will not shift for 10-15 min. Resulting in high rpm during that time frame.2.) exhaust fumes are entering car interior and vehicle windows must be rolled down in order to provide non-lethal oxygen supply for occupants3.) abs system works intermitentlly accompanied by excessive brake wear.

Brakes intermittently get soft, andpedal goes to the floor, resulting in extendedstopping distances. The delearrstatesvehcle operated under ormal conditions.

Front brakes were replaced at 33,000 miles, car was taken to have tires rotated a approximately 35,000 miles was informed that back rotors were rusted , return car to harbor cheverolet on 7/17/02 and was told by the sales manager after he drove the car for approximately 500 ft that the brakes were fine.harbor had replaced the front brakes on 6/17/02 and the back brakes were checked at that time and said that they were fine.after driving the car for a couple of weeks the brakes are soft to the touch and the stopping distant is not good and there is a lot of play in the braking.

Intermittently whenbrakes are applied pedal goes tofloorboard, resulting in extended stopping distance.also, dealer has replaced front brake pads twice, andrear brake pads once . Please provide additional information.*aik

There is premature wear ofbrake pads.dealer has replacedfront brake pads twice, andrear pads once. Please provide additional information.

When attempting to stop brake pedal descended to the floor. Thisresulted in extended stopping distance.dealer stated thefront rotors were warped.consumer stated the frontrotor were repaired twice, and the rear rotors were repaired three times.

Consumer receivedrecall 02v357001 concerningbrake hose.dealer was not in operation.

Consumer received a recall notice(02v257001) regarding the brake hose, however there was no dealer available toperform the recall.

Consumer received a recall notice(02v257001) for brake hose, however there was no dealer available to perform the recall. *tc

Consumer receive recall 02v257001 concerning brake hose.dealer was not in operation.

Theconsumer received a recall notice(02v257001) regarding the brake hose. There was no dealer in the area to perform the recall.

Consumer receivedrecall 02v257001 concerning brake hose. Dealer was not in operation.

The contact owns a 2000 daewoo leganza. The contact stated that the front end of the vehicle was covered with severe rust. The dealer told the contact that the vehicle was no longer safe to drive.the manufacturer was not notified of the failure. The vehicle was not repaired. The failure mileage was 193,000 and the current mileage was 196,000.updated 03/09/12

The instrument panel padding is coming undone and separating from thestructure. This is causing problems with the heat/air vents.consumeris unable to control the air flow. The heating/air flow is causing visibility problem while driving, and air flow is constantly blowing into the driver's face while driving,and causing a distraction. The dealer was notified.

The contact owns a 2000 daewoo leganza. The contact stated that the front end of the vehicle was covered with severe rust. The dealer told the contact that the vehicle was no longer safe to drive.the manufacturer was not notified of the failure. The vehicle was not repaired. The failure mileage was 193,000 and the current mileage was 196,000.updated 03/09/12

Steering pulls toleft and right. Daewoo statedroads in floridaare grated tocurve, butwheelswere aligned to korea's roads, and not theu.s.

Consumer tookvehicle to the dealership forvibration inside ofengine andvehiclewas running rough.also, had to put his finger inside ofgasoline tank to release pressure that billed up fromfilter. Dealership is aware ofproblem.

We where sold a car and later found out that it had been recalled and now we don't know who to get a hold of to have it fixed because there is no longer a daewoo manufacturer or dealership and the car lot we bought it from will not fix it or take it back

The consumer has been having trouble finding an authorized daewoo dealer to make the necessary recall repairs. *sc

The shaft sensor caught fire. Dealer notified. Please provide additional information.

Intermittently while driving vehicle suddenly surged forward and experiencedelectrical system failure. This caused the dashboard components tomalfunction, and gave incorrect reading. This was followed by the vehicle running rough , loss of power, and stalling.consumerwas unable to restart the vehicle when this occurred. Dealershipreplaced map andoxygen sensor, fuel injection, ground wires and thebattery. The failure recurred.

The check engine light came on.the driver's side mirror does not work, and the window is broken.also, the cam shaft sensor nhtsa recall 04v357000.*scthe consumer no longer owns the vehicle.

Consumer stated that while pushing the bottom for the window to roll up window rolled up on it own.consumertried to push the windows by applying pressure. However,windows will not move.consumer took vehicle t dealer for inspection.

The check engine light came on.the driver's side mirror does not work, and the window is broken.also, the cam shaft sensor nhtsa recall 04v357000.*scthe consumer no longer owns the vehicle.

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