We found the following complaints for CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE (1997)
Read complaints for CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE (1997)
While drivinghorn failed.consumer tookvehicle to the dealership on june2004.dealership fixed it, but three days later horn failed again.technician disconnected the horn, andstated there was short circuitin the front air bags.to fix the horn dealerneeded to replace the air bag mechanism at consumer's expense of $1,700.
Dt: was driving at an unknown speed and pulled in front of a bowling alley to pick up another passenger.turned the engine off with key in ignition, within a matter of seconds the vehicle began to roll forward.the car gained speed and was too quick before the consumer could gain control.the vehicle went down an incline and crashed into a parking lot pole.the air bags did not deploy.both passenger had seat belts on but passenger seat belt did not remain locked and passenger struck the windshield, this did not unlatch but a great deal slack came from that seat belt.had received a recall on the transaxles floor shift(no nhtsa recall camp id# available) this recall had not been performed.a inspector from chrysler came out to impasses vehicle who later noted this incident was not due the recall but consumer does not know how he made this assumption because he just looked at vehicle-the vehicle was locked up at the time.no repairs have been made.dealer did make aware there was also a recall on throttle as well(no nhtsa recall id at this time.) dealer and chrysler are unwilling to cover damages as well the recall repair.
Dt:consumer received recall 04v021000, on march 15, 2005.she had called dealerto arrange forrepairs, but they told her to bring the vehicle in at her convenience. The recall work was never performed.on may 7, 2005 she was picking her daughterand while the vehicle was in park it went down a small hill in a parking lot and traveled at least 200-300 feet.the vehicle was also turned off.this happened so fast she could not remember whether the brakes worked at that time.there was a telephone pole that stopped the vehicle.upon impact, the airbags did not deploy, and the seat belts did not restrain the passengers.the passengers head went through the windshield andher knees hit the dash board.the driver's right rotor cuff and neck were injured.there was $8700 worth of damage to the vehicle, andit was totaled. The manufacturer stated that they could notdo anything about it.a inspector from daimler chrysler inspected vehicle onmay 12, 2005at 2 pm.he never spoke to the consumer, but the manufacturer sent a report.
Dt:the contact received a recall letter on3-15-05concerningthe trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock she called at the end of march or the beginning of april and made an appointment to have vehicle checked. On 5-7-05, before the scheduled appointment,the vehicle popped out of gear and hit a pole. And the estimated damagewas $8,700. On 5-12-05 chrysler sent an investigator to check the vehicle . The consumer was not present at the inspection,but someone elsewho was at the inspectionclaimed that the investigatortried to start the car and it wouldn't start.he did not think the trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock had anything to do with the crash. The consumer did not agree, stating that the driver and the passengerwere injured in the crash. Neither the seat beltsnor the air bagsworked in the crash.
1997 sebring passenger side airbag exploded.
Purchased car on ebay three years ago.no record of accident but looks like it was in an accident.problem began after a heavy rain when car parked outside.service engine light comes on, car starts and dies several times, then wont't start for anywhere from an hour to a day or two.no dealer able to find prob. Or get it to throw a code. Problem seemed to disappear last year when we moved to ca and parked car in garage.then it returned once.had it towed to dealer and he was unable to find source of prob. Or get it to repeat the problem. Finally got one computer replaced.brought the car home and it has repeated the problem a few times.now it is turning on the security light as well as the service engine light, then, suddenly, while i am driving, the guages quit working.i have no idea how fast or how far i am going.thishas happened twice this month, both times when we were on a long trip.there seems to be no real correlation of circumstances that could be causing this problem that we can find other than possible moisture relationship.had to drive from lake tahoe to orange county with no speedometer two weeks ago. It had rained heavily and the car was parked outside. Then it magically "mended itself" during the week and we took it from orange county to palm springs on may 21st.the guages went out shortly after we left home and came on "magically" after we purchased gas in palm springs.date listed below is most recent.this has been going on intermittently for three years. Has been to dealers in alabama and orange county.i really can't say how many times it has failed, but probably around 30.
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring jxi. The contact stated that the odometer and gear lighting indicator failed. The vehicle was taken to an authorized dealership where the contact was informed that a loose electrical connection caused the odometer and gear light indicator to fail. The vehicle had not been repaired because the contact stated that when she drove over a bump in the road, the odometer worked. The failure mileage was approximately 35,000. The current mileage was approximately 40,000.
Electrical system failure.computer will no longer "go to sleep" and drains the battery.the car must now be jump started with a portable booser pack that i carry in the car.dealer claims the computer must be replaced at a cost of $1,000 plus to fix the problem.
Odometer functions intermittently.this is a known, common problem, but chrysler has not recalled.it causes problems whenever you need to purchase anything for your vehicle (tires, oil change, parts etc).please recall and fix this issue!
Electronic odometer and tachometer display work intermittently. Dealer explains that it is common with this car model. Difficult to track service on the vehicle. Also will be difficult to sell with out fix which will be over $500 for instrument cluster and could involve individual gauges which will cost around $380. Chrysler should recall and pay for this.
Problem with dash cluster speedo and tach quit working dealer said they see it all the time on this car.
This car is garbage!i have had water leaks, had to replace complete fabric interior!the battery light now refuses to go off along with the engine light.i have gone through 4 batteries in a year, have replace the alternator and i still have problems.not one shop, along with a dealer, can understand why this car will not run properly.the dealer who sold me the car told me it was too late for him to do anything about it.i also have the same problem as everyone else with the seat belt, drivers side.it no longer connects together.dealer who sold me car stated the car was a 6 cylinder as does my title, found out recently that car is only 4 cylinder.*nlm
My 1997 sebring convertible oil light came on when i was driving in a heavy rain during rush hour.after stopping at a red light at a major highway intersection, my car died midway through the intersection.my oil pressure sensor wiring is the cause for my fuel pump to cut off as a safety measure for the cars protection but almost cost me my life.after seeing the dealer and looking at online forums, i have found this is common for the 2.7l engine in my car and many other autos made by damlier chrysler.if the 18 wheeler would have not changed lanes i would have died.i am waiting to replace the wiring because this is several hundreds of dollars of work.
Electrical system in car has totally failed. Nothing on the dashboard works properly anymore. The board has been replaced once at a cost of $300 plus over $6,000 in various repairs. *la
Purchased 1997 chrysler sebring convertible. In 1998 the instrument cluster started to fail intermittently.the tachometer, and odometer fade in and out, out mostly. Cant see mileage, so cant sell car.dealer says cost is about $600 to fix. And is common problem.if its so common, it should be a recall!!!
While drivinghorn failed.consumer tookvehicle to the dealership on june2004.dealership fixed it, but three days later horn failed again.technician disconnected the horn, andstated there was short circuitin the front air bags.to fix the horn dealerneeded to replace the air bag mechanism at consumer's expense of $1,700.
Dt:consumer received a recall notice in march for the transaxles floor shifter ignition park interlock.consumer tried to make an appointment for the dealership. The following saturday the car popped out of gear and hit a pole. The whole front end of the car was totaled. The passenger seat belt did not lock, and the both air bags did not deploy. Chrysler sent someone to look at the car, the chrysler investigator said that everything looked fine.consumer had to call him back from chrysler after he came and looked at the car. Chrysler investigator sent a letter to the consumer stating that the incident did not look like it was a result of the recall.
My local dealer replaced the subject computer at a cost to me of $300.this was the result of a "good will" extension of the manufacturers warrantee. Several other owners of these cars have had this computer fail.
In short, my '97 sebring convt. (86,000 mi) is on its 3rd starter, needs a new fuel gauge & switch to light fog lamps (problem for va. Safety insp.).also tach, speedometer, & other gauges have stopped functioning temporaily while car is moving.
1) the vehicle was parked outside securely (doors and windows closed properly, top closed properly, ignition locked and no keys in the car).2) after a rain, i happened to walk by the car and heard it making loud strange noises that sounded like speaker amplified electrical arcing.the noise seemed to be coming from everywhere in the vehicle (no apparent point source).suspecting some type of electrical problem i began pulling fuses with no effect on stopping the noise.i began smelling something burning and disconnected the car battery. The noises stopped immediately and the burning smell dissapated.3) the dealer advises that there is a drain in the right rear quarter panel of the car that is not working and causes water to enter the passenger compartment. There is an amplfier under the front passenger seat for the infinity sound system that water had entered into.dealer advises that the failed part must be returned to the manufacturer to get a replacement and that further damage cannot be determined until the replacement part is installed.there are two design defects in this car, one of which is a serious safety concern.the first defect is the rear quarter panel drains that can stop working and flood the car resulting in significant damage.the owner is not made aware of this defect or how to prevent the problem.the second design defect is a safety concern.an amplifier under the passenger seat has no fuse protection whatsoever.if i had not happened by the car when i did, and had not disconnected the car battery, the car was beginning to catch fire (i smelled burning!).this amplifier can malfunction electrically and start an electrical fire in the vehicle without any electrical interupt protection available.had i not disconnected the battery when i did this car could have caught fire as a result of this lack of any short circuit protection.
In short, my '97 sebring convt. (86,000 mi) is on its 3rd starter, needs a new fuel gauge & switch to light fog lamps (problem for va. Safety insp.).also tach, speedometer, & other gauges have stopped functioning temporaily while car is moving.
Odometer and tachometer stop and start functioning intermittently.i understand this is a known and common probelm with this year/model.why won't chrysler recall and repair this obvious defect in the car?
"electronic" odometer and other dashboared components failed intermittently while driving.dealer diagnosed that the printed circuit board failed, and advised it was a common occurrence.
Electronic gear selectionindicator, electronic odometer, and tach. Guage do not work. Have to guess what gear vehile is in.never works when car is started, but about 50% of time it will start working after driving for 10-15 minutes.
Odometer and tachometer stop and start functioning intermittently. I understand this is a known and common probelm with this year/model.
This car is garbage!i have had water leaks, had to replace complete fabric interior!the battery light now refuses to go off along with the engine light.i have gone through 4 batteries in a year, have replace the alternator and i still have problems.not one shop, along with a dealer, can understand why this car will not run properly.the dealer who sold me the car told me it was too late for him to do anything about it.i also have the same problem as everyone else with the seat belt, drivers side.it no longer connects together.dealer who sold me car stated the car was a 6 cylinder as does my title, found out recently that car is only 4 cylinder.*nlm
Known engine problems with chryslers 2.4l - 4 cylinder engines - defective head gaskets. We purchased a new 1997 chrysler sebring jx w/ 2.4l dohc 4 cylinder engine in march of 1998.vehicle was purchased new and maintained by nalley chrysler in roswell.vehicle has a little over 19,000 actual miles and should not have any engine problems with this low mileage or use.vehicle was inspected on several occasions for leaking coolant/oil mixturecomplained of leaks to service reps on several occasions, nothing found.at last recall - shifter linkage, asked service technician to check for coolant leakswas informed that 2.4l engine will need a new head gasket.internet searches show many occurrences of problems with this 2.4l engine as heads are made of different material than block and they cool and heat at differing rates causing excessive movement and failure of the head gasket. Chrysler has silently warranted many of these engines because of head gasket failures and known problems and defects.would request reimbursement or repair. Chrysler rep had denied repair. Class action status should be investigated for these known engine problems.
Consumer just had the center motor mount replaced.consumer believes this is too early for the motor mount to be replaced.there was an unfamiliar rattle, which alerted consumer.*jg
Strong gasoline odors came intovehicle from the outside whendriver's side window was down.vehicle had been to the dealer on two separate occasions, and they were unable to locate the cause of the problem......painton vehicle was fading-turning black to white. From inside rearview mirror consumer was not able to see back of vehicle. Seat belt on passenger's side had a broken seat belt retractor. In addition, passenger's leather seat was cracking, and stitching on convertible top was coming out.
In short, my '97 sebring convt. (86,000 mi) is on its 3rd starter, needs a new fuel gauge & switch to light fog lamps (problem for va. Safety insp.).also tach, speedometer, & other gauges have stopped functioning temporaily while car is moving.
The headlight plastic lenses deteriorated, which caused the them to excessively fogged.consumer had to utilize the high beams in order to see the road way at night.
In short, my '97 sebring convt. (86,000 mi) is on its 3rd starter, needs a new fuel gauge & switch to light fog lamps (problem for va. Safety insp.).also tach, speedometer, & other gauges have stopped functioning temporaily while car is moving.
Dt: thecontactowns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible. The fuel pipewas corroded and drippedgasoline, and was less that one foot from the muffler. When the contact went to purchase the part for car the salesman said he was about the 15 person to buy the part. The consumercalled chrysler, and they said there was not a problem. He was going to repair the problem. This was the contact daughter's car, and he was concerned for his daughter's safety andthose of others.
Consumer states that the trunk lid does not lock securely in the up position when opened.consumer opened lid to retrieve items from trunk, but the lid fell down hitting consumer on the head.
While drivingbetween 25 to 30 mphand without any warningautomatic transmission failed. Towed vehicle to theindependent shop, and technician determinedanew transmission was needed.
While drivingbetween 25 to 30 mphand without any warningautomatic transmission failed. Towed vehicle to anindependent shop, technician determined the need foranew transmission or rebuilt the old transmission.
Vehicle was in park and without prior warning consumer's sonkicked the gear shift and vehicle went into drive, resulting in a frontend collision, vehicle hit a tree.
Dt: was driving at an unknown speed and pulled in front of a bowling alley to pick up another passenger.turned the engine off with key in ignition, within a matter of seconds the vehicle began to roll forward.the car gained speed and was too quick before the consumer could gain control.the vehicle went down an incline and crashed into a parking lot pole.the air bags did not deploy.both passenger had seat belts on but passenger seat belt did not remain locked and passenger struck the windshield, this did not unlatch but a great deal slack came from that seat belt.had received a recall on the transaxles floor shift(no nhtsa recall camp id# available) this recall had not been performed.a inspector from chrysler came out to impasses vehicle who later noted this incident was not due the recall but consumer does not know how he made this assumption because he just looked at vehicle-the vehicle was locked up at the time.no repairs have been made.dealer did make aware there was also a recall on throttle as well(no nhtsa recall id at this time.) dealer and chrysler are unwilling to cover damages as well the recall repair.
Dt:when the consumer attempted to apply the brake, the vehicle continued to accelerate and consequently, the consumer hit another motorist.the vehicle was also jumping out of gear due to the recall on the trans axle floor shifter/ignition park interlock.
Dt:the contact received a recall letter on3-15-05concerningthe trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock she called at the end of march or the beginning of april and made an appointment to have vehicle checked. On 5-7-05, before the scheduled appointment,the vehicle popped out of gear and hit a pole. And the estimated damagewas $8,700. On 5-12-05 chrysler sent an investigator to check the vehicle . The consumer was not present at the inspection,but someone elsewho was at the inspectionclaimed that the investigatortried to start the car and it wouldn't start.he did not think the trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock had anything to do with the crash. The consumer did not agree, stating that the driver and the passengerwere injured in the crash. Neither the seat beltsnor the air bagsworked in the crash.
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible. The contact stated that the driver side seat belt remained stuck in the retracted position and he was unable to use the seatbelt.the dealer informed the contact that there were no recalls and offered no further assistance.the manufacturer had not been notified of the failure nor was the vehicle diagnosed or repaired.the current mileage was 111,320 and the approximate failure mileage was 111,300.
I have a 1997 chrysler sebringjxi convertible, that the seatbelt are generally useless.both the passenger and driver seat belts lock and will not retrack, therefore you are not able to use them.this is a safety hazard especially in a convertible.i live in a state where seatbelts are requires, but when they are locked i can not use them.i have not found where the seatbelts have been recalled, shouldn't there be a lifetime guarantee on seatbelts since they are a safety device? i have owned the car for 3 years now and it is an ongoing situation with the most recent being yesterday.
Seat belts would not "pull out". At first it only happened sporadically and for short duration. Problem occurred more often until belts have not worked at all for past 2-3 weeks.
Dt: was driving at an unknown speed and pulled in front of a bowling alley to pick up another passenger.turned the engine off with key in ignition, within a matter of seconds the vehicle began to roll forward.the car gained speed and was too quick before the consumer could gain control.the vehicle went down an incline and crashed into a parking lot pole.the air bags did not deploy.both passenger had seat belts on but passenger seat belt did not remain locked and passenger struck the windshield, this did not unlatch but a great deal slack came from that seat belt.had received a recall on the transaxles floor shift(no nhtsa recall camp id# available) this recall had not been performed.a inspector from chrysler came out to impasses vehicle who later noted this incident was not due the recall but consumer does not know how he made this assumption because he just looked at vehicle-the vehicle was locked up at the time.no repairs have been made.dealer did make aware there was also a recall on throttle as well(no nhtsa recall id at this time.) dealer and chrysler are unwilling to cover damages as well the recall repair.
Occasionally, the seatbelt on on my 1997 chrysler sebring locks up.when it does, it cannot be extended/pulled out.this has happened numerous times.when it happens, both seatbelts freeze, leading to the conclusion that it is an electrical problem.sometimes, after waiting a half hour or so, the problem corrects itself.in the meantime, unless i have time to wait, i must drive without the safety of my seatbelt, which not only puts my life at risk, but makes me a lawbreaker and potentially liable for a ticket.i have called several chryler dealers, none of whom admits to having heard of the problem and all of whom want to run expensive tests to diagnose the problem.a quick google search shows that many many people have had the exact same problem.it is a potentially life-threatening situation, and we need the government to step in an help us please!
Dt:consumer received recall 04v021000, on march 15, 2005.she had called dealerto arrange forrepairs, but they told her to bring the vehicle in at her convenience. The recall work was never performed.on may 7, 2005 she was picking her daughterand while the vehicle was in park it went down a small hill in a parking lot and traveled at least 200-300 feet.the vehicle was also turned off.this happened so fast she could not remember whether the brakes worked at that time.there was a telephone pole that stopped the vehicle.upon impact, the airbags did not deploy, and the seat belts did not restrain the passengers.the passengers head went through the windshield andher knees hit the dash board.the driver's right rotor cuff and neck were injured.there was $8700 worth of damage to the vehicle, andit was totaled. The manufacturer stated that they could notdo anything about it.a inspector from daimler chrysler inspected vehicle onmay 12, 2005at 2 pm.he never spoke to the consumer, but the manufacturer sent a report.
Dt:the contact received a recall letter on3-15-05concerningthe trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock she called at the end of march or the beginning of april and made an appointment to have vehicle checked. On 5-7-05, before the scheduled appointment,the vehicle popped out of gear and hit a pole. And the estimated damagewas $8,700. On 5-12-05 chrysler sent an investigator to check the vehicle . The consumer was not present at the inspection,but someone elsewho was at the inspectionclaimed that the investigatortried to start the car and it wouldn't start.he did not think the trans axle floor shifter ignition/park interlock had anything to do with the crash. The consumer did not agree, stating that the driver and the passengerwere injured in the crash. Neither the seat beltsnor the air bagsworked in the crash.
This car is garbage!i have had water leaks, had to replace complete fabric interior!the battery light now refuses to go off along with the engine light.i have gone through 4 batteries in a year, have replace the alternator and i still have problems.not one shop, along with a dealer, can understand why this car will not run properly.the dealer who sold me the car told me it was too late for him to do anything about it.i also have the same problem as everyone else with the seat belt, drivers side.it no longer connects together.dealer who sold me car stated the car was a 6 cylinder as does my title, found out recently that car is only 4 cylinder.*nlm
Passenger side seat belt is twisted in fabric and will not retract outward. Seat can't be occupied until fixed. Dealer was not notified. Consumer stated that driver's side belt was loose and does not fully retract. The vehicle had a recall on full throttle cable however, consumer did not mention if a problem still existed.
Driver side seat belt failed to release from the retracting position, so the bucklecould notbe fastened. Dealership indicated that the problem may be due to a defective retractor. Dealership had to take apart the entire driver side seat to inspect the retractor.
Strong gasoline odors came intovehicle from the outside whendriver's side window was down.vehicle had been to the dealer on two separate occasions, and they were unable to locate the cause of the problem......painton vehicle was fading-turning black to white. From inside rearview mirror consumer was not able to see back of vehicle. Seat belt on passenger's side had a broken seat belt retractor. In addition, passenger's leather seat was cracking, and stitching on convertible top was coming out.
The driver'sand front passenger seatbelt will not releasei took my car to a chrysler dealer to see how much it would be to fix them i was told over $600.00 to fix them both i brought my car used and the extended coverage has expired i live in ill where seatbelt are mandatory i do not have the kind of money it takes to fix something that should be covered for the lifetime of the cargenrally i don't complian about anything but what is it going to take for chrysler to do something.
Seat belt failure.ph
Driver side seat belt retracts halfway back to the spool. Seat belt is malfuctioning which can causebelt to loosen tension or lock up and not retract to secure passenger. Dealer is aware. Please provide more information.
Dt: the seat belt on the passenger seat retracted and will not come out, making it impossible for the passenger to buckle the belt. This occurred about two weeks ago.vehicle was seen by the dealer, and there would be a charge to the consumerfor this repair.
The interior rearview mirror image were completely distorted making it impossible to view any objects through it.the trunk lid had fallen on the consumers head, the leather seats cracked, and the stitching on the convertible top had come undone. *scc
Strong gasoline odors came intovehicle from the outside whendriver's side window was down.vehicle had been to the dealer on two separate occasions, and they were unable to locate the cause of the problem......painton vehicle was fading-turning black to white. From inside rearview mirror consumer was not able to see back of vehicle. Seat belt on passenger's side had a broken seat belt retractor. In addition, passenger's leather seat was cracking, and stitching on convertible top was coming out.
I have a 97 chrysler sebring convertible jx. Recently the threading had been peeling away around the convertible top. I submitted several complaints on the net, local news station, and with daimlerchrysler. In those complaints i had mentioned concern of my back window possibly flying out the back or worse yet, falling in on my 2 year old son in his car seat!!!!about 3 or 4 weeks later, my husband was getting in the car after work and in a parked position decided to put the top down (since the air conditioner stopped working about a year prior) to the convertible, he then heard a crack and as soon as looking back the whole window shattered in over 1000 pieces all in the backseat and the hub truck area and my son's carseat!!!!my worst nightmare had come true. I had nearly brainstormed that the window would fly out the back or that it could fall in! thank you jesus, my son was not in the car!!!!i have contacted chrysler wich did nothing but charted my complaint and is probably setting in the database with no action...this really concerns me... I don't know where else to turn.my insurance said that i needed to meet my 500 dollar deductible in order for them to take care of the rest of the bill, which will only apply to a back window... Not a convertible top... Hello, since the top is still unraveling this new back window that they are talking about only has a couple of days before the same thing happens again!my guess, since the threading was already coming loose it caused the back window to go off track unknowingly... Then when my husband put the top down it was not positioned correctly causing the window to be in the way of the convertible top reclining. Please e-mail me at jaderompf@aol.com if you have any help to give or have experiencedthis problem. *la
Dt:when the consumer attempted to apply the brake, the vehicle continued to accelerate and consequently, the consumer hit another motorist.the vehicle was also jumping out of gear due to the recall on the trans axle floor shifter/ignition park interlock.
Dt:consumer complained of avehicle speed control problem. Brake would not work, vehicle revved, and did not stop, vehicle over accelerated, causingit to raminto another vehicle.ak
Nar 9-10-03. Gas pedal stuck to the floor while the vehicle was accelerating very fast. The vehicle would not stop until the consumer could apply the emergency brake.
While driving at any speed the vehicle's floor mat got tangled into the steering mechanism because there is no cover for that part. As a result, the steering mechanism failed. Please provide additional information.*la
The lower control arm ball joints in the front end steering system (recall #750 on chrysler dealer invoice) were replaced and steering became defective.ph
Very, very loud squeeking and rubbing sound coming from the front end of the car while turning the steering wheel or when driving over small bumps in the road. This happens while in park, driving at low or higher speeds, and in reverse.as soon as the steering wheel is moved, the loud noise starts. I'm concerned that this could be dangerous.dt
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible.he noticed a constant leak on the high pressure power steering hold.a mechanic diagnosed the failure.the failure mileage was 116,000 and the current mileage was 117,000.
Right outer tie rod end broke completely away and right wheel pivoted nearly perpendicular toleft wheel.only traveling 5 mph at time of incident . A higher normal speed could have resulted in dammage or injury or fatality. Car has only 34,400 miles and has been well maintained. Repair was made by replacing both right tie rod end{broken} and left tie rod end badly worn and alignment.these tie rod ends are non lubricatable.it is highly unusual for this specific problem to occur in a vehicle with such low mileage and that has never been operated in adverse conditions that would contribute to such a failure. Two acquaintances of mine have had front axles break on newer chrysler minivans. Could there be a common supplier of front end parts providing defective metals or common engineering flaws? chryslers representative was totally unsympathetic to my problem/complaint.
Driving at approx. 15 mph the steering system failed/locked on my car. The car was towed to the dealer on 10/28/02, and was initially diagnosed a "failure of the power steering pump".the dealer replaced the pump, and during the mechanic testing found that the newly replaced pump also immediately failed and steering again locked. The dealer then diagnosed the problem as being a total failure of the "rack"which needed replacement as it had "failed and was contaminating the pumps".both the power steering rack and power steering pump was replaced at a cost to me of $1728.33 parts/labor.the dealer service representativeadmitted to methat they had seen such failures before, and that the failure was not a result of my maintainence of this vehicle.in fact, i have vigorously maintained the vehicle with this dealer since its purchase on 6/30/97 - and they have performed all scheduled minor and major services.yet, since i was just outside of the 5 year/50k mile warranty, the dealer refused to cover any of the labor/parts charges for the replacement.i then contacted damiler chrylser's customer service center on this matter.daimler chrysler confirmed that there were no vehicle recalls for rack/pump failures, and held no responsibility.they were uninterested in any discussion of defects, or risk if the failures occurred at highway speeds. If my failure had occurred under those circumstances, rather than on a residential street, there would have been injuries or fatalities since there was no ability to turn or control the steering of the vehicle.chrysler may not be interested in customer satisfaction, but i would have hoped that they would have some concern for such dangerous failures.dt
The converible roof is unravelling at the seams, making it unsightly and dangerous. I had water in my foor in the back seats and an upholstery shop discover a defect in the manufacture of the body causing the leak. It has been successfully fixed. But the soft top roof to be replaced would cost $1250-. It is my observation that there are a lot of convertibles during the model years of 1997 (mine) and other years (1998- ?). I called chrysler and they noted my complaint but haven't addressed the problem to my knowledge. I think this should be a recall as i see it on many converibles. What if one of these tops were to tear loose? that's my concern!!
This car is garbage!i have had water leaks, had to replace complete fabric interior!the battery light now refuses to go off along with the engine light.i have gone through 4 batteries in a year, have replace the alternator and i still have problems.not one shop, along with a dealer, can understand why this car will not run properly.the dealer who sold me the car told me it was too late for him to do anything about it.i also have the same problem as everyone else with the seat belt, drivers side.it no longer connects together.dealer who sold me car stated the car was a 6 cylinder as does my title, found out recently that car is only 4 cylinder.*nlm
The interior rearview mirror image were completely distorted making it impossible to view any objects through it.the trunk lid had fallen on the consumers head, the leather seats cracked, and the stitching on the convertible top had come undone. *scc
Consumer states after a hard rain the passenger side consumes water which could cause rust to the vehicle. Consumer also states there is no drainage to show where the water maybe coming from. Deaelr is not aware.*mr consumer feels this is dangerous as it could cause severe rust damage.*jg
Strong gasoline odors came intovehicle from the outside whendriver's side window was down.vehicle had been to the dealer on two separate occasions, and they were unable to locate the cause of the problem......painton vehicle was fading-turning black to white. From inside rearview mirror consumer was not able to see back of vehicle. Seat belt on passenger's side had a broken seat belt retractor. In addition, passenger's leather seat was cracking, and stitching on convertible top was coming out.
Rear seating area is filled with water.consumer's weather conditions were rainy for a entire week.insideseat, and around the floorboardconsumer can hearwater swooshing around. Manufacturerrecommendedthat consumer go todealer, to have it taken care off. Oncedealer took a look, they denied it was a problem.
Sebring convertible interior floods every time it rains the carpet becomes completely soaked and takes days to dry out in the mean time causing a concern about all electrical components under the seats.
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible.the contact stated that the driver side ball joint detached from the socket while the contact was driving.the dealer diagnosed that the lower ball joint need to be replaced.the vehicle was included in the recall associated with nhtsa campaign id number: 09e056000 (suspension:front:control arm:lower ball joint), but the manufacturer refused to cover the repairs. The manufacturer proposed that the contact pay 50 percent of the cost of the repairs due to the age of the vehicle. The vehicle was not repaired.the failure and current mileage was 115,000.
While driving a1997 chrys. Sebring convertible across a bridge over a lake, the left front ball joint brokeresulting in loss of control. I almost didn't stop before going in the water. Car blocked the highway and a patrolman stayed with me until wrecker arrived . It did major damageto front fender, plastic bumper brakes and wheel.
I was backing out of a friends driveway in my 1997 chrysler sebring convertible when all of a sudden there was a loud noise and a grinding sound. When i got out to look, it turns out that the front lower ball joint assembly broke in half by the front hub assembly. I then called a tow truck to have my vehicle towed and when the tow company came they informed me this was the 4th chrysler convertible in two months that they have had to tow with the front lower ball joint breaking. I then decided to check for recalls and it turns out there are 2 recalls on this vehicle but when i contacted the loccal chrysler dealership they inform me that there is no recall on my car. How can that be when you list the following recalls 04v021000, 09e056000 and 10e059000 on your website. I am just very thankful that i was not driving at a higher rate of speed when this happened or it could have been serious, like two of the other accidents that happened the tow truck driver shared with me. Two of the other vehicles he towed, the drivers were injured when the ball joint broke and they crashed.
It's a constant rattle noisy at the front of the car, when we bougth the car and start driving it we notice the noisy we took the car to the dealer and they said they didn't found anything, didn't drove the car for the last two years, move to dc, start driving the car again and the rattle getting worst i took the car to a mechanic and they said they fix the car i paid almost $900.00 and the problem still there, i took the car to the mechanic 1 month after they fixed, the invoice said 90 days warranty, now they said it's probably another problem, it's the same problem same noisy. I just want my car fixed, for what i paid.
Making left hand turn driver side wheel collapsed.
Right front lower ball joint fractured and ripped out the drive shaft from the transmission causing loss of steering.a new lower control arm and drive shaft was installed to correct the problem.
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible.on july 9, 2007, while driving 10 mph, the control arm detached from the vehicle.the failure caused the axle to fall off the vehicle.there were no warning indicators prior to the failure.the control arm and axle were replaced on july 11, 2007 for $1,080.the dealer stated that her vin was excluded from recall # 00v421002 (suspension:front:control arm:lower ball joint).the current and failure mileages were 135,000.
Front lower ball joint failed while driving.
The contact owns a 1997 chrysler sebring convertible.while approaching a stop sign, a police officer informed the driver that the undercarriage of the vehicle was on fire.the driver exited the vehicle just as it became completely engulfed in flames.there were no injuries, but both a police and fire report were filed.the current and failure mileages were 91,000.
Since owning the vehicle the stitching around the convertable window has come undone.the consumer called the manufacturer about the problem and got no response.
The cruise control application does not consistently follow the comandsas described on page 66 of the owners manual.(1)the cruise will not regularly set a desired speed, unless the cancel button is pressed following the on/off button.(2)after depressing the brake pedal to de-activate a speed setting, the resume button ignors the prior setting speed and continues to accelerate.(3)while pressing and holding the set/coast button, the speed accelerates.
Problems with vehicle throttle control cable.*mr the consumer received a recall notice regarding the throttle cable.the consumer was told the part had not arrived and when it did arrive the consumer would get a call, the consumer had to call the dealer back and found out the part had arrived, but no one called to let the consumer know.the dealer stated someone would come to the consumer's home, however no one ever called to confirm.*nlm
Dt:consumer complained of avehicle speed control problem. Brake would not work, vehicle revved, and did not stop, vehicle over accelerated, causingit to raminto another vehicle.ak
Dt:consumer received recall 04v021000, on march 15, 2005.she had called dealerto arrange forrepairs, but they told her to bring the vehicle in at her convenience. The recall work was never performed.on may 7, 2005 she was picking her daughterand while the vehicle was in park it went down a small hill in a parking lot and traveled at least 200-300 feet.the vehicle was also turned off.this happened so fast she could not remember whether the brakes worked at that time.there was a telephone pole that stopped the vehicle.upon impact, the airbags did not deploy, and the seat belts did not restrain the passengers.the passengers head went through the windshield andher knees hit the dash board.the driver's right rotor cuff and neck were injured.there was $8700 worth of damage to the vehicle, andit was totaled. The manufacturer stated that they could notdo anything about it.a inspector from daimler chrysler inspected vehicle onmay 12, 2005at 2 pm.he never spoke to the consumer, but the manufacturer sent a report.
Vehicleexperienced sudden acceleration. Owner was driving to an intersection. Upon approaching the intersection, driver applied the brakes and the vehicle began to accelerate. Although, the driver had there foot on the brake.
Car continued to accelerate and brakes would not stop the car.had to swerve to the side of the road, pull the emergency brake,and turn the car off.tried to turn car back on, and the car was still accelerating.note:luckily had not got on the major southern california freeway.car was towed to mechanic, and repair was diagnosed as high idle, replaced idle, air control motor.total cost (not including tow) $186.82.
Driver & vehicle leaving toll plaza on the dallas north tollway, headed south towards i-635, about 6 pm on incident date.driver accelerated out of the toll booth, up to about 40-45 mph, and felt a surge in acceleration. Attempted to reduce speed by taking foot from the gas pedal, but there was no reduction in speed.applied brake, but still no reduction in speed.pulled hand brake, no reduction.the accelerator seemed to be stuck or hung up.finally thought to shift into neutral, and at some point the accelerator finally "let go."was able to exit from the tollway.on 635 access road, attempted acceleration again, and again the accelerator seemed to "stick" at about 15 mph.backed off, and made way slowly to a nissan automotive dealership off 635 in north dallas.there, a service rep looked under the hood and observed the accelerator cable was badly frayed.as the car was unsafe to drive further, called for a tow and had car towed to chrysler dealer in grapevine, tx.the failure of the vehicle to decellerate on a busy and fast-moving tollway at rush hour could have been catatrophic, but due to luck or grace, there was no collision.however, the driver suffered mental and physical anguish, stress, and frank terror during the event.this car had been subject to a recall issued in august 2002, and had been repaired for the defect at the dealer in grapevine.however, the accelerator cable failed anyway.the logical conclusion is that the defect repair was also faulty, or the defect was not repaired properly.other systems in the vehicle were most likely impacted: brakes and transmission.
Manufacturer's recall b22/throttle cable:dealer, desert dodge in las vega, nv. Phone# 702/221-000 is unable to honor manufacturer's recall due to no parts being available. Please feel free to provide anyfurther information.
Design defect - rear window defogger -the original equipment rear window defogger on my 1997 chrysler sebring stopped working.the wire attaching the defogger to the electrical system has become detached.it had been reattached by the dealer twice, but on the third occasion the dealer advised that it could not be fixed. It is apparently reattached with some kind of glue.i was advised that if i wanted to get the defogger to work i would need to install a new rear window at a cost of over $800.the new sebring convertible;e uses a wire with a plug to attach the rear window defogger to the vehicle's electrical system. Chrysler appears to have recognized the design defect and provided a fix, although not to owners of 1997sebring convertibles.note:this design defect appears to be a safety defect that causes a dangerous condition when the defogger fails, i.e., in rainy or snowy conditions the visibility out of the rear window is dangerously reduced.
The thredding around my 1997 chrysler sebring convertible top is slowly coming loose wich will then release my back window which could cause a very serious accident on the road involving innocent drivers. The potential loose back window could not only fly out at any givin moment it also could fall in to the backseat of my convertible which raises and bigger concern for me because i have my 2 year old son in his car seat.my wish is that chrysler corp. Would recall these defective tops before they have to spend millions on law suits involving accidents with each individual owner of the sebring convertible. Well, i thought i was alone on this issue until last week when my local news station aired a short news clip on chrysler owners.they put out a call to all chrysler sebring owners in the tampa bay area (florida) that was having this same problem ... They received over 100 complaints...thats just in 1 city!!!go to www.tbo.comtype keyword (in top right corner) : problem solverthen click chrysler sebring link. I have lots of pics of the convertible top upon request.
The interior rearview mirror image were completely distorted making it impossible to view any objects through it.the trunk lid had fallen on the consumers head, the leather seats cracked, and the stitching on the convertible top had come undone. *scc
Strong gasoline odors came intovehicle from the outside whendriver's side window was down.vehicle had been to the dealer on two separate occasions, and they were unable to locate the cause of the problem......painton vehicle was fading-turning black to white. From inside rearview mirror consumer was not able to see back of vehicle. Seat belt on passenger's side had a broken seat belt retractor. In addition, passenger's leather seat was cracking, and stitching on convertible top was coming out.
Consumer states the windshield seal is leaking water and damage radio, cd and carpet. Dealer has been notified. Please provide further information. Ts
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