We found the following complaints for BMW R1100 RS (1998)
Read complaints for BMW R1100 RS (1998)
Transmission sometimes wont allow shifting into 3rd gear, very unsafe when passing on two lane road. Transmission sometimes falls out of 3rd gear, very unsafe when passing on two lane road.
Transmission sometimes wont allow shifting into 3rd gear, very unsafe when passing on two lane road. Transmission sometimes falls out of 3rd gear, very unsafe when passing on two lane road.
Bmw motorcycle - failure of the 'big' bearing in the rear drive.noise from the rear drive - followed by the wheel cocking - and the bike became seriously unstable.was riding slowly - on my way to a dealership - so no fall down.had the bike carried the rest of the way and had the rear drive rebuilt (new bearing and seal).parts were left at the dealership.
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