We found the following complaints for BMW M COUPE (2002)
Read complaints for BMW M COUPE (2002)
While jacking vehicle up jack frame that is attached to vehicle failed andvehicle fell down to ground.dealership is aware of problem.
While driving if steering wheelis released vehicle will pull to leftside. Maufacturer said they had noremedy for this problem at this time.
While driving, with foot on the accelerator pedal, the pedal fell completely off. The dealership replaced the pedal. Please provide more details. Ts
Whiledriving debris unexpectedly dischargedfrom another vehicle and the highway and hit the driver's windshield.this caused two cracks insidethe windshield.consumer was able to drive the vehicle to the dealer, and mechanic determined that a replacement windshield would be rendered only through the payment of theconsumer, not the dealer .
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