We found the following complaints for BMW G650GS (2013)
Read complaints for BMW G650GS (2013)
Engine control unit: when the clutch is engaged and the engine speed is near idle, the engine control unit turns off the engine. This happens anytime the motorcycle needs to come to a stop (traffic light, stop sign, etc.). When the engine speed is kept above 3000 rpms, the bike runs fine and idles fine if there is sufficient throttle input.
Engine control unit: when the clutch is engaged and the engine speed is near idle, the engine control unit turns off the engine. This happens anytime the motorcycle needs to come to a stop (traffic light, stop sign, etc.). When the engine speed is kept above 3000 rpms, the bike runs fine and idles fine if there is sufficient throttle input.
The engine control software regulates idle speed. When the clutch lever is egagaged, and the engine is operating at idle, the motorcycle abruptly stalls reagardless of speed. It caused a near -rear end crash as any downshifting resulted in stalls instead of idle.
The engine control software regulates idle speed. When the clutch lever is egagaged, and the engine is operating at idle, the motorcycle abruptly stalls reagardless of speed. It caused a near -rear end crash as any downshifting resulted in stalls instead of idle.
The engine control software regulates idle speed. When the clutch lever is egagaged, and the engine is operating at idle, the motorcycle abruptly stalls reagardless of speed. It caused a near -rear end crash as any downshifting resulted in stalls instead of idle.
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